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Unit One Modern er
Ⅰ General Characteristics:
The modern game of er started with the foundation of the Football Association of England in 1863. And in 1904, the Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) was founded, ing er’s worldwide administrative body.
er was the first team sport added to the Olympics. Great Britain dominated the early tournaments, winning three of the first four. Although the sport made its medal debut in 1900, it was not until 1908 that the tournament attracted reasonable international representation. And the first World Cup was finally held in 1930, coming two years after the 1928’s Olympics. The host Uruguayans became the first World Cup champions.
After a brief look-over of its history, lets’ talk kicking, shall we?
Kicking the ball, we are pleased to discover, is an important part of er. The basic er kick is made with the foot turned sideways, using the instep rather than the toe. The technique assures greater accuracy because more of the foot is in contact with the ball. The best kickers can make the ball travel more than 70 miles per hour. Lateral passing, or flick passing, can be plished by kicking the ball with the outside of the foot.
As you know, games are divided into 45-miniute halves. While goals are few and far between, scoring opportunities are frequent. Tempo is one of the keys to watch — which team pleting more passes? Who is getting off the most shots on goal? which side is controlling the ball at midfield with the most consistency.
Ball control is a fundamental part of er. In addition to the feet, er players use their heads and chests for passing and controlling the ball. A popular strategy during corner kicks is for one or more players to hang in front of hoping to get a piece of the ball with his head and jam it past goalie.
Romanians take to the streets in their millions
Bucharest, Reuters
Romania’s 3-2 win over England at Euro 2000 brought about a quarter of the country’s 22 million population


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