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(Promulgated by the Ministry merce on November 17, 2004 and be effective 30 days after the date of promulgation)
Article 1:        In order to encourage foreign investors to invest in China and import foreign advanced technology and management expertise, foreign investors are permitted to panies with an investment nature in China in accordance with China's relevant laws and regulations on foreign investment and these Provisions.
Article 2:        For the purposes of these Provisions, the term ¡°company with an investment nature¡± shall refer to pany established in China by a foreign investor either in the form of a wholly foreign-pany or an equity joint venture in conjunction with a Chinese investor engaged in direct investments. pany shall take the form of a limited pany.
Article 3:        The application for the establishment of pany with an investment nature shall meet the following conditions:
(1) (i) the foreign investor shall have good creditworthiness, the financial strength necessary for the establishment of pany with an investment nature, a total asset value of no less than US$400 million in the year prior to the submission of an application, will also have established foreign-invested enterprise(s) in China with a capital contribution of more than US$10 million of registered capital actually paid in; or (ii) the foreign investor shall have good creditworthiness, the financial strength necessary for the establishment of pany with an investment nature; have already established 10 foreign-invested enterprises or more, with a capital contribution of more than US$30 million of registered capital actually paid in;


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