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Lecture Outline 209.ppt

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Lecture Outline 209.ppt



文档介绍:Chapter 23 - Part 2 Lecture Outline
See separate PowerPoint slides for all figures and tables pre-inserted into PowerPoint without notes.
Processes of Respiration
Respiration (exchange of gases between atmosphere and body’s cells) involves four processes
Pulmonary ventilation: movement of gases between atmosphere and alveoli
Alveolar gas exchange (external respiration): exchange of gases between alveoli and blood
Gas transport: transport of gases in blood between lungs and systemic cells
Systemic gas exchange (internal respiration): exchange of respiratory gases between the blood and the systemic cells
Processes of Respiration
Net movement of respiratory gases
Air containing O2 is inhaled into alveoli during inspiration
O2 diffuses from alveoli into pulmonary capillaries
Blood from lungs transports O2 to systemic cells
O2 diffuses from systemic capillaries into systemic cells
CO2 diffuses from systemic cells into systemic capillaries
CO2 is transported in blood from systemic cells to lungs
CO2 diffuses from pulmonary capillaries into alveoli
Air containing CO2 is exhaled from alveoli into the atmosphere
Overview of Respiration
Respiration: Pulmonary Ventilation (continued)
Explain the physiologic events associated with controlling quiet breathing.
Explain the different reflexes that alter breathing rate and depth.
Distinguish between nervous system control of structures of the respiratory system and nervous system control of structures involved in breathing.
Define airflow.
Explain how pressure gradients and resistance determine airflow.
Learning Objectives:
Respiration: Pulmonary Ventilation (continued)
Distinguish between pulmonary ventilation and alveolar ventilation, and discuss the significance of each.
Explain the relationship between anatomic dead space and physiologic dead space.
Define the four different respiratory volume measurements.
Explain the four respiratory capacities that are calculated from the


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