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梅塔特隆 机器翻译.doc

上传人:yuzonghong1 2018/2/3 文件大小:58 KB


梅塔特隆 机器翻译.doc



梅塔特隆机器翻译2011-04-08 01:08Greeting Beloved,I am Metatron,Lord of ,我梅塔特隆,光主。I greet you all in Unconditional Love!问候我无条件的爱你们!
Masters,your life is amagnificent journey of ever continuing ,你的生活是一个不断持续探索的宏伟征程。
Many of you in metaphysics are familiar with the term,"Take your Power,stand in your ,"把你的力量,在您的真实立场。
Indeed this is appropriate,for Love does indeed require ponent of great power and love are sciences and arts that many of you have devoted many lifetimes to ,这是适当的,,而很多人已经投入了许多世艺术学****You have had lifetimes devoted to servitude to learn the aspects of love,and in the process put others before the self,and in the process the frequencial aspect of self love,self worth were somewhat misunderstood,and ,并在此过程之前,把别人的自我,并在此过程自爱的frequencial方面,自我价值有点误解,减少。
You have had many lifetimes devoted to developing love and developing 。Oft these became quite 。In bringing the two together,the nuances of power must be refined and indeed ,权力的细微差别,一定要精,甚至转移。You see,within these the retrieval of what may be termed soul fragmentation may be faced and brought through great effort into Mer-Ka-Nic ,在这些了什么可称为灵魂碎片检索可能会面临很大的努力,并通过纳入经式家尼克和谐。
And then Dear Ones,when the two segments of Power and Love are integrated,another process of refining the two incurs,and it ,亲爱的,当力量和爱的两个部分是集成的,另两招提炼过程,它是复杂的。
That refinement then,is the'Garden of Power and Love',and it requires the extreme distillation of knowledge into ,是对权力与爱情花园',它需要知识的极度升华成智慧。
You see every level of advancements creates anew paradigm,and each new paradigm brings with it plex puzzles to ,每个新范式带来更复杂的难题解决。Certainly the challenges facing one on the verge of Mastery,are far different and far plex than one in the initial stages of life in ,对面临的挑战之一通达的边缘,是完全不同的,远远超过在二