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文档介绍:Infectious Diseases 2
Sexually transmitted diseases, STD
Syphilis 梅毒
Gonorrhea 淋病
Condyloma acuminatum 尖锐湿疣
Gonorrhea 淋病
Gonorrhea is supprurative化脓性 inflammation caused by i淋球菌 and is one of the mon 最常见sexually transmitted disease, which has a high prevalence and very strong
Source of infection— patients and asymptomatic carriers.
Routes of infection— usually the sexual contacts in the adults, by the indirect contact in the children, in addition, al infection may be transmitted to the fetus duting delivery through the birth canal, producing neonatal ophthalmitis.

Mainly affected urinary genital
Lesions show purulent 化脓性inflammation followed by granulation tissue formation and fibrosis.
In the male, anism infects chiefly the urethra, producing acute urethritis.
The prostate, seminal vesicles and epididymides monly involved.
Systemic symptoms are usually absent.
In men, mon presentation is with dysuria 尿痛 and purulent urethral discharge.
In women, cervicitis may produce a vaginal discharge.
4. Complications
Sterility man result.
In the male—prostate abscess,
urethral stricture→hydrops of kidney.
In the female—an increased rick of ectopic pregnan-
cyentry of i into the pelvic
peritoneum via the uterine tubes may
Gram stain of urethral discharge from a patient with gonorrhea淋病. Many Gram-negative i (Neisseria gonorrhoeae) are present within a neutrophil.
Condyloma acuminatum 尖锐湿疣
It is a sexually transmitted, papillotumor—like lesion, caused by human papillomavirus (HPV).
HPV (6, 11type), the virus multiply in the epithelium, specifically in the mature squamous cells, causing cytologic change—koilocytosis. 凹空细胞
Routes of infection —resembling those of Gonorrhea.
Location of the lesion —on any moist, mucosa—cutaneou suctional region of the external genesis.


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