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文档介绍:College of Business Administration Phone: (256) 824-6165
Huntsville, Alabama 35899 Fax: (256) 824-6328
HHU – UAH “2+2” BSBA Program
In accord with the general agreement (Document No. UAH200801), Hohai University and The University of Alabama in Huntsville agree to pursue a collaborative 2+2 BSBA program according to the following terms:
a) Selected students plete a two-year curriculum at HHU and then transfer to UAH to pursue a BSBA degree. Upon pletion of the program, students will obtain BSBA degrees from UAH. All business majors are available to students in the program.
b) All students selected will need to earn a minimum GPA of (based on scale) for the courses taken at HHU. Transcripts submitted to UAH need to be certified and in English.
c) All students need to provide evidence of English language proficiency via TOEFL or IELTS scores. The minimum requirement is TOEFL score of 500-paper based, puter based score, or 62- based score with minimum subsections of 13-Writing, 18-Speaking, 15-Reading and 16-Listening, or IELTS of overall with no less than a on any module. Scores must be sent directly to UAH from the testing agency. Even with an acceptable score, intensive English courses may be required as part of the program.
d) Students will arrive at UAH in a cohort of approximately 15 and will be integrated into the existing classes during the


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