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文档介绍:Structure Improved Design and Production Processes Research of a Glass Cutting Machine
Precision glass cutting machine is considered to one of the most indispensable manufacturing equipment in digital screen producing industry. The cutting precision directly affects the quality of dissertation anlyzied the structure and cutting technology design and experiment of one glass cutting machine.
Based on finite-element analysis and cutting experiment optimal matching parameters between structure and cutting technology were obtained. Research on how to improve qualification rate and stability of products In large scale production were carried out. Applying ball screw drive, movement mechanism of main transmission designed was analyzed based on the actual demand Stiffness puted and checked and the type was selected of the main transmission parts ball screw pair. Influence factors were discussed during the selection process of large ball screw pairs.
The structure model of a workbench was established in this paper. The number of support
rods was reduced from forty-eight to thirty-six through finite optimization technology. By experiment and measurement, the possibility of improved structure and method were proved.
Using the improved and assembled equipment as the experiment platform, a series of tests were performed such as changing cutting parameters, adapting different production processes etc. Optimal cutting parameters corresponding to specific type of glass were deduced according the experiment results. In terms of cutting processes, grasping method of opposite corners was put forward. It was proved reliable and stable for glass cutting process and improved cutting efficiency and production qualified rate.
Key words: Glass cutting machine, ball screw pair, finite element analysis, the cutting parameters, cutting process
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