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文档介绍:the discussion of 《Forrest Gump》
The first time he ran, was in Forrest's childhood years when he walked down a street together with Jenny and was attacked by a group of kids. They threw stones at him and called him names. Forrest obviously didn't know how to react and just stood still as if he was paralyzed, waiting for what would happen next. Jenny gives him a solution by telling him to run away. Forrest starts running and escapes the kids. Through this incident, he notices for the first time (if also only subconsciously) that running away is a good solution to escape dangerous situations.
In one scene - he is already in college - he is again running away from men chasing him and by accident he gets on a football field. He is seen by the coach of the team and gets immediately drafted as a player. He doesn't know the rules of the game. And he doesn't need to, because his whole job consists of catching the ball, running toward the enemy line and hitting a home run. One can see that Forrest doesn't know what he is doing by the huge posters shown which are supposed to guide him. They read, \"Go Forrest,\" and \"Stop Forrest.\" On the stands, people form letters saying, \"go Forrest.\" He es a essful football player. And he notices again that he can be essful by simply running (running away for him).
Before Forrest has to leave for the Vietnam War, Jenny tells him to run and not to be brave whenever he is in danger. One day his platoon gets caught in a shooting and he runs away and thus gets away from getting shot. He is the only not-badly injured person from his platoon and rescues many of his mates.
There is a very long scene where Forrest just mother had just died and he was overwhelmed by a number of stressors. He runs four times across the United States, gets national media coverage,and by the way \"invents\" the bumper sticker ShitHappens and the Smiley face.
These are only the main examples of Forrest running in the movie. Every time Fo


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