In the service industry, producer service is the most important to the development of national economy. Producer service is the glue to connect each link string of the industry value chain. This es the important characteristic of the forerunner industrialized countries after industrializing.
As a developing country, Chinese manufacturing industry develops quickly, but the service industry has no synchronous development, and the service level is lower. Therefore, the trade of service exists a great deal of deficit, especially the trade of producer service with high technique and knowledge, lacks petition ability, so es the weaker link in the industry value chain, directly affect and constrain China's economic globalization in the international division of labor patterns and the distribution of interests.
In this paper, we mainly study the petition of Chinese trade in Producer Service. First of all, introduced the topic based on ideas and research; and then introduced the productive development of an overview of trade in services, including trade in services production and the definition and classification, production of the emergence of trade in services and development, and then further on China's trade in services and productive development; followed by the production of China's petitiveness of service evaluation, analysis of China's petitiveness of trade in services; and then trade in services in China and petitiv