(200 级)
A Pragmatic Analysis of Code-switching
in Happy Camp
姓名: ***
院系: 双语学院
专业: 英语(英*方向)
指导教师: 田慧
Jilin Huaqiao Foreign Languages Institute
With the integration of different cultures, code-switching is one of the inevitable phenomena of language contact which often appears in daily life. Since the middle decades of twentieth century, code-switching has always been a focus of many research fields, including sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, syntactics and pragmatics. In order to bring forth new ideas to the study of code-switching, this thesis attempts to give a brief analysis of the applications and functions of code-switching in an entertainment program. Happy Camp as the most popular and typical entertainment program in mainland, its richness of brilliant program designs, great number of loyal audience and great influence is parable. All the corpus collected in this thesis is from the program of 2010 and 2011, with which the analysis will be more up-to-date and convincible.
Code-switching as realization of adaptation mainly refers to the adaptation to linguistic reality, social conventions and psychological motivations. And people switch for many reasons because code-switching serves various kinds of functions. Combining with Halliday's three metafunctions, this thesis will also give a brief analysis of the functions of code-switching from the aspects of ideational function, interpersonal function and textual function in Happy Camp. The pragmatic analysis of code-switching of both the applications and functions in Happy Camp has a practical value, it not only brings forth new ideas to the study of code-switching in the area of linguistics, but also makes an innovation on the study of the language usages in entertainment programs.
Key Words: code-switching; Happy Camp; adaptation theory; metafunctions