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上传人:bai1968104 2018/2/10 文件大小:423 KB





The study aims to analyze the process and conditions of merge and acquisition (M&A) in China. As an effective mean to petiveness and attract resources, numerous enterprises choose to merger petitors or corporations in the same industry or other relative field. Therefore, M&A, a pervasive strategic managing policy, draws great attentions of scholars to analyze and research the fruit and improvement after it was taken in an industry. However, as an independent economic entity, China obtains its own characters and developing routes. In this dissertation, the author would like to do the research of M&A in the automobile industry in China. By selecting the M&A cases of Chinese automobile industry, the Chinese special economic conditions, M&A operational process and the differences between which been reached and the international idiomatic M&A will be discussed pared.
The dissertation attempts to introduce three cases to spread the contrast: the international M&A of Ford Motors as the case of idiomatic M&A process and regulations; the cases that Chinese privately operated automobile enterprise merges other corporations to strengthen petiveness: Geely Automobile Holding Ltd merges the brand of Volvo by the help of Rothschilds Consortium and BYD Automobile merges Qinchuan Motors to start entering automobile profession. By the case study of these three M&A and the analysis of the operational improvement after M&A, the author would like to summarize the character and irregularity of China firm’s merge and acquisition and the advance of this special M&A caused to China firm and their development.
By the analysis of the three cases, the author would like to find the distinct between the natural flows and developments and China’s special M&A flows, and then the influences of the M&A to China’s motor industry development, even to the global motor market will be summed up.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction 2
Rationale for the Topic 2


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