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1. Because prices of food and clothing and almost everything else in that country have steadily gone up, the buying of the dollar has gone down.
A. energy B. force C. power D. strength
Key: C
2. Many students signed up for the race in the sports meeting to be held next week.
A. 800-metre-long B. 800-metres-long C. 800 metre length D. 800 metres length
Key: A
3. If it was not an accident, he must have done it .
A. on purpose B. mon C. on occasion D. in time
Key: A
4. everyone can hear the speaker there is no of turning up the radio.
Now that; point B. Even if; point C. Now that; need D. Even if; need
Key: A 因为need用法用for
① There’s no need for you to start yet.
② There’s a great need for a new book on the subject.
5. It snowed heavily for three days and they were separated from the outside world.
A. in the end B. on end C. by the end D. at the end
Key: B on end 直立,竖立连续地 They argued for two hours on end
His hair stands on end.
6. Shelly had prepared carefully for her English examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first .
A. intention B. attempt C. purpose D. desire
Key: B attempt 尝试
7. In order to learn the of the family business, Bill took a job as messenger boy in one of the offices.
A. ins and outs B. dos and don’ts C. heads and tails D t’s and i’s
Key: A the ins and outs of sth. 细节、详情、始末
另: dot one’s i's and cross one’s t’s 一丝不敬地完成任务
poor, she had to borrow a new so as to attend the party.
A. cloth B. clothes C. clothing D. dress
Key: D
9. I tried every to make him give up smoking.
A. mean B. ways C. meaning D. means
Key: D way 作“方式、手段、方法”解时,常用单数,等于method
10. Yesterday I was invited to the dinner at invited to the dinner at .
A. Turners B. the Turners C. Turners’ D. The Turners’
Key: D 在……住处“’”
11. ----Who did you spend last weekend with?
---- .
A. Palmer’s B. The Palmers’ C. The palmers D. The palmer’s
Key: C the 姓+s 一家人
12. Cloning the sheep ----Dolly is


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