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1. The traditional dividing line in America between “east” and “west” is the Mississippi River.(密西西比河也是美国最长最为重要的河流,被美国人“众河之父”Father of Waters)
2. Non-Hispanic white is the largest racial group in the whole population of . A.
3. Before 2000, the largest minority group in the United States is African Americans. 2000年前美国黑人是美国人数最多的少数民族,2000年后Hispanics/Latinos也就是拉丁裔的美国人成为美国人数最多的少数民族。
4. America has the world's oldest written constitution and political party.
5. As to roles of American president, which is NOT precisely defined in the U. S. Constitution?
    A. He is the head of the state
    B. He is the chief executive of the U. S.
    C. He is mander in chief of the armed forces
    D. He is the head of his political party
6. The economic problems caused by the depression in 1929 were eventually solved by the New Deal. (proposed by F. D. Roosevelt)
7. The New England region's cultural character was shaped largely by Puritan spirit.
8. California is the largest state in terms of size and population in America.
9. Which of the following is NOT America's newspaper?
    A. Wall Street Journal
    B. USA today
    C. Guardian (英国《卫报》)
    D. The Milwaukee Journal
10. ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, CNN, MTV, HBO等都是美国主要的新闻与有线电视网络(News and works)
11. To the west of mainland America lies the Pacific Ocean. 美国大陆东部则是大西洋。
12. Detroit, a U. S. city bordering Lake Erie, is famous for its automobile industry.
13. New York City is the largest city and the chief port of the United States.
14. Washington D. C. is named after both e Washington and Christopher Columbus.
15. The U. S. Congress has the power to make these laws except of _______.
A. defense B. citizenship and naturalization C. marriage D. the regulation of foreign trade
16. The first American president to be elected from the Republican Party was Abraham Lincoln.
17. Of the fifty states, the smallest state in area is Rhode Island.
18. The national flag of the United States is