文档介绍:从城乡变迁看中国人自杀格局的演变Changing Patterns of Suicide in the Context of Urban & Rural Transformations in China
Department of Sociology
Jing Jun
格局与变化 (1987-2009)Patterns & Changes
Decline of National Suicide Mortality
Decline of Rural Suicide Morality
Dramatic Decline of Female Suicides in Rural Areas
Dramatic Increase of Elderly Suicide in Urban Areas
全球自杀趋势Global Suicide Trends
据国际自杀预防协会报告,2008年全球自杀率是十万分之十四点五(,000), 到2009年上升至十万分之十六(16/100,000).这意味着全球每年大约有100万人死于自杀。世界卫生组织的自杀预防文献显示,全球自杀率在过去四十五年年上升了六十个百分点。
In the last 45 years, the global suicide mortality rate went up 60 %. In 2009, the global suicide rate is 16/100,000, costing one million lives a year.
Psychiatric and other mental problems work together with the breakdown of social order, family, and marriage as well as economic burdens, domestic violence and despondence due to terminal illness.
中国大陆自杀趋势Trend of Suicides in China
Our analysis shows a different picture in China where the suicide mortality rate went down significantly in the last 20 years, ing much lower the suicide mortality rate worldwide.
全国数据描述A Snapshot of National Data
中国的自杀率一度处于一个在世界范围也算得上较高的水平。例如,1987年-,,000之间; 但在1996年-2003年期间有所下降,尤其在2004年-2009年期间出现较比明显的下降,,,000。
China’s suicide rate used to be rather high by international standards. For example, it stayed between ,000 to ,000 from 1987 to 1995, then went down a little bit in the 8 years that followed, and eventually declined significantly from 2004 to 2008, dropping from ,000 to ,000.
China’s Suicide Rate by Gender & Residence in 1987 & 2009
中国自杀率下降的拉力A Major Factor of Suicide Decline in China