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【管理精品】12 弗里曼 澳大利亚的女英雄.doc

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【管理精品】12 弗里曼 澳大利亚的女英雄.doc

上传人:yzhfg888 2018/2/16 文件大小:114 KB


【管理精品】12 弗里曼 澳大利亚的女英雄.doc



文档介绍:At 16 years of age Freeman won gold at monwealth1 Games as part of the 4 × 100m relay team. In 1990 she was awarded Young Australian of the Year, and Aboriginal2 Athlete of the Year in 1991. In 1992 Freeman became the first Aboriginal track3 and field4 athlete to represent Australia at an Olympic Games. She became one of popular figures after winning the gold medal in the women's 400 meters in the Olympic Games 2000 held in her motherland. 16岁时,弗里曼作为4×100m接力队的一员,在英联邦运动会上赢得了金牌。1990年,她被授予该年度澳大利亚杰出青年奖;1991年又获得该年度最佳土著运动员奖。1992年,弗里曼成为代表澳大利亚参加奥林匹克运动会的第一个土著田径运动员。获得了在自己祖国举办的2000年奥运会女子400米金牌后,她成了澳大利亚最受欢迎的人物之一。
12、Feeman :Australian Heroine
It all started in Atlanta. That was the first time I saw her. I said to myself damn, she's kind a cute I must tune in tomorrow for a second glimpse5. The next time I saw her, she looked even better. After the Olympic Games I was somewhat obsessed6 with seeing her again; mostly due to the fact that it was next to impossible to find anything on her, that little glimpse wasn't enough. Soon, I started looking for track magazines, books, and watching track shows every time they were aired. I didn't even like track, I just watched to see her run. Guess you can say Freeman was my introduction to track and field. With the track and field, I observed, I learned more about the sport and the major players involved in it.
Not only is Cathy Freeman good-looki


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