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文档介绍:Chicago Lectures in Mathematics
the theory of
unitary group
I e W. Mackey
The University of Chicago Press
2hicago and London
The Theory of Unitary Group
Chicago Lectures in Mathematics Series
Irving Kaplansky, Editor
The Theory of Sheaves, by Richard G. Swan (1964)
Topics in Ring Theory, by I. N. Herstein (1969)
Fields and Rings, by Irving Kaplansky (1969; 2d ed. 1972)
Infinite Abelian Group Theory, by Phillip A. Griffith (1970)
Topics in Operator Theory, by Richard Beals (1971)
Lie Algebras and pact Groups, by Irving Kaplansky (1971)
plex Variables, by Raghavan Narasimhan (1971)
Torsion-Free Modules, by Eben Matlis (1972)
The Theory of Bernoulli Shifts, by Paul Shields (1973)
Stable Homotopy and Generalised Homology, by J. F. Adams (1974)
Banach Algebras, by Richard D. Mosak (1975)
Rings with Involution, by I. N. Herstein (1976)
The Theory of Unitary Group Representations, by e W. Mackey (1976)
Chicago Lectures in Mathematics
the theory of
unitary group
e W. Mackey
The University of Chicago
Chicago and London
E W. MACKEY is Landon T. Clay Professor of Mathematics
and 'iheoretical Science at Harvard University and a member of the
Nati~nalAcademy of Sciences.
The University of Chicago Press, Chicago 60637
The University of Chicago Press, Ltd., London
@ 1976 by The University of Chicago
All rights reserved. Published 1976
Printed in the United States of America
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
Mackey, e Whitelaw, 1916-
The theory of unitary group representations.
(Chicago lectures in mathematics)
Previous ed. (1955) published under title: The theory
of group representations.
Based on lectures given at the University of Chicago.
Bibliography: p.
1. Representations of groups. I. Title. II. Series
1976 512'.22 76-17697
ISBN 0-226-50051-9
ISBN 0-226-50052-7 pbk.
Preface . . . . . . .