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文档介绍:Lot. Mag. Tokyo 90: 129—141 1977
Anatomical Study on the Shoot Apex of Osmunda japonica Thunb.
Depart ,eent of Biology, Faculty of Science, Ockanomizu University, Oktsuka, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112
The ic and seasonal variations in anization of the shoot apical meristem of Osmunda japonica Thunb. were investigated. The meristem posed of an apical segmentation zone (SZ), a mother cell zone of the stele (MS) and a peripheral zone (PZ). A single apical cell is mostly discernible in all seasons throoghout the whole process of ontogeny observed in the present study. The apical cell is usually four-sided, nearly triangular, with a regular segmentation pattern in transverse view. However, it is sometimes accurately three-sided with a highly regular segmentation pattern in the active season, while it is often four-sided, nearly trapezoid or five- or six-sided, with a less regular segmentation pattern in the inactive season. The size of the apical cell represented by its free surface area increases with the increase in size of the plant body in the young plants. However, in the adolt plants, the size of the apical cell is smaller in the active season and larger in the dormant season. anization pattern of the shoot apical meristem of 0. joponica does not show an intermediate type between the eusporangiate and the leptosporangiate ferns, but the leptosporangiate fern type.
Shoot apical patterns in pteridophytes have aroused a renewed interest in recent years in regard to the zonation and tissue differentiation within the apical meristem (McAlpin and White, 1974; Hébant-Mauri, 1975) and to the activity of


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