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上传人:rdwiirh 2018/2/21 文件大小:81 KB





文档介绍:Sustainable supply chain management: Review and research opportunities
Anthropogenic emissions likely pose serious threat to the stability of our environment; immediate actions are required to change the way the earth’s resources are consumed. Among the many approaches to mitigation of environmental deterioration being considered, the processes for designing, sourcing, producing and distributing products in global markets play a central role. Considerable research effort is being devoted to understanding anisational initiatives and government policies can be structured to facilitate incorporation of sustainability into design and management of entire supply chain. In this paper, we review the current state of academic research in sustainable supply chain management, and provide a discussion of future direction and research opportunities in this field. We develop an integrative framework summarising the existing literature under four broad categories: (i) strategic considerations; (ii) decisions at functional interfaces; (iii) regulation and government policies; and (iv) integrative models and decision support tools. We aim to provide managers and industry practitioners with a nuanced understanding of issues and trade-offs involved in making decisions related to sustainable supply chain management. We conclude the paper by discussing environmental initiatives in India and the relevance of sustainability discussions in the context of the Indian economy.
Sustainable supply chain management; 
Green supply chains; 
Closed-loop supply chains; 
Extended producer responsibility; 
Emissions trading
A broad consensus has by now emerged that anthropogenic emissions pose serious threat to the stability of our environment, and that the resulting changes will affect our ecosystem by disrupting food and water supplies, submerging coastal wetlands, and causing severe weather patterns and species extinction. The global averag