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Make no mistake, Columbia
is a finance school above all else. Students rave about the school’s finance
faculty and the access that they have to top Wall Street executives. The alumni
network doesn’t hurt either – nearly every Wall Street firm is stacked with Columbia alumni. The
result is that most finance-minded applicants consider Columbia. If you are one of them, you will
need to especially focus on differentiating yourself from a large pool of
similar-sounding applicants. Therefore, start thinking now about what makes you
different from the rest of the investment bankers (and aspiring bankers) who
apply to Columbia.

As you might expect, Columbia’s
core curriculum is heavy in finance and related courses. First-years take
required courses in Financial Accounting, Corporate Finance, and Global Economics.
Among others. Non-finance topics such as Marketing and Strategy, however, are
studied in half-term courses. While these courses are also strong, be aware
that much of your time will be spent on finance-related topics. Of course, you
will there fore need to demonstrate an ability to handle a quantitative
workload, ideally through your GMAT score and relavant work experience.

One academic area that Columbia
emphasizes outside of finance is entrepreneurship. Some of the schools’ most
popular electives include “Introduction ot Venturing” and “Launching New
Ventures.” Entrepreneurship is also studied and pursued outside of the
classroom. Launched in 1996, the Eugene Land Entrepreneurial Initiative Fund
provides seed capital ot worthy business plans crafted by Columbia students. The Fund acts less like a
traditional business petition and more like a venture capital firm,
taking an equity stake in any Columbia start-up with promise For students
looking for a more conventional business petition, Columbia has joined
forces with UC Berkeley’s Hass School of Business to run the Social Venture
Competition, which provides seed mon


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