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高一英语知识点 考题.doc

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高一英语知识点 考题.doc



2009-09-28 16:32:49 来源: 作者: 【大中小】浏览:121次评论:0条 ease/at fortable
Make yourself at home.
His words set me at ease
of /know about
Do you know English?
I don't_____ Yao Ming, but I ____ him.
A. know B. know of
: like very much
enjoy the food that my mother cooks
enjoy the shade in summer in the daytime
enjoy the cool air
enjoy the sunlight in winter
enjoy freedom
enjoy equal rights
what does he look like?
What was the weather like?
What was the party like?
part in/join/join in
attend school/attend the party
Did you take part in the sports meet?
I will fly to Nanjing to ____ my family.
A. attend B. take part in C. join D. join in
Please join me in wishing him good luck.
to/second to
He lives next door to us.
He is next to/second to nobody in math in our class.
He is next to/second to only Tom in math in our class.
Wear cotton shirts next to the skin, which feel soft fortable.
to do sth. be /get used to doing sth
be used to do sth
Computers ______ teach English in class.
A. usedtohelp B. have e used to helping
C. are used to help D. get used to helping
I used to live in London. Now I live in Paris.
I got used to getting up early.
I am not used to eating English food.
as ....as/ the size of
I am three times as old as you.
Our school is three times as large as yours.
Our production of cars is one third as big as yours.
Your class is as big as ours.=Your class is the size of ours.
free/free/for nothing
You can take them as you are for free.
I will do it for you for nothing.
my living/their respect

Do as the Romans do when in Rome.
police-man---policemen work-man----workmen chairman
sth/sb to sb/ introduce sb to sth
She was introduced and began to give the speech.
It was my mother that introduced me into the field of music.
New machines were introduced into our factory.


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