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Northeast Asia is the area who has the most concentrated interaction of the world power and is of substantial significance to research the security issue of northeasr Aisa. As a indispensable element in the security issue if northeaast Asia, Us-korea alliance is especially important in the security pattern if northeast Asia.
International politicis has paid great attention to the development of the Us-japan alliance after the cold ,it dose not give enough attention to the status and role of Us-korea alliance,another set of important bilateral military alliances in Asia. Us-korea alliance is significant because of its direct role in the Korean peninsula. Us-korea alliance established the advantages of position of the United States in Korean peninsula,and it has a far-reaching influence on the development of rhe Korean the 21st century,the strategic power structure of the northeast Asia is changing with the development of Us-korea alliance is ing more and more important. At the beginning of the 21st century,the United States strengthens the Us-japan and Us-korea alliance synchronously for protecting the predominance in northeast the cheonan incident in March,2010,the development of the Korean peninsula has the characteristics to run through China. How to deal with the challenges of the strenghthening of Us-korea alliance and to maintain China’s security interests in northeast Asia,will be the main issue in this paper.
The Us-korea alliance has changed in aspects such as political,diplomatic,economic and military relations after the administration of lee myung- series of strengthening prompted the . dominance in northeast strengthening of Us-korea alliance has strategic intention from both the United States and South Korea. The strengthening of Us-korea alliance has an important influence on the security situation if northeast Asia and China’s security interests in northeast A


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