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文档介绍:该【新核心大学英语B版听说教程2Unit课件 】是由【tieruogong】上传分享,文档一共【110】页,该文档可以免费在线阅读,需要了解更多关于【新核心大学英语B版听说教程2Unit课件 】的内容,可以使用淘豆网的站内搜索功能,选择自己适合的文档,以下文字是截取该文章内的部分文字,如需要获得完整电子版,请下载此文档到您的设备,方便您编辑和打印。Unit 2 Energy
In this unit you will:
1. learn about some enerty-related problems and
pressures human beings face;
2. familiarize yourself with the words/expressions related
to the theme of the unit;
3. learn to use these words and expressions;
4. learn more about the ABCs of news reporting;
5. practice listening with other non-theme-related audio
and video materials;
6. learn to use the proper expressions and sentence
structures to ask permission.
Learning objectives
Part I Theme-Related Activities
Part II Listening Strategies
Part III Extensive Listening
Part IV Communication Skills
Part V Assessment Log
Part I Theme-Related Activities
Section I Talk
Section II Feature
Section III Talk
1. What measures should be taken to raise people’s
awareness of energy conservation?
2. What have you done to adopt or popularize a
more energy-efficient lifestyle?
Lead-in questions:
Unit 2 》Part I 》Section I 》Lead-in questions
Word Bank
Unit 2 》Part I 》Section I 》Word Bank
Unit 2 》Part I 》Section I 》Word Bank
Unit 2 》Part I 》Section I 》Notes
1. And so then I went out to develop a whole series on
the landscape of oil.
Then I started to make a series on the situation of oil.
2. And that’s one chapter.
And that’s only one part of the whole thing.
3. The whole world at trillion estimated reserves,
only gives us about 45 years.
The estimated reserves of oil is trillion for the whole
world, which would only sustain our life for about 45 years.
4. peak oil
a period which sees an extremely large consumption of oil.
Task 1 Watch the video clip and then complete the following comprehension questions.
Unit 2 》Part I 》Section I 》Task 1
1. What, most likely, is the speaker’s occupation?
A. Writer. B. Photographer.
C. Social activist. D. Ecological researcher.
2. Why did the speaker decide to photograph the
landscape of oil?
A. Oil reflects the scale of change and the speed we
take resources.
B. Oil is the most basic support of our daily activities.
C. We have run into the most serious oil crisis in decades.
D. Such a landscape demonstrates our exploitation of
the Earth.

Unit 2 》Part I 》Section I 》Task 1
3. What does the speaker intend to document with his
A. How people celebrate their cars.
B. Overexploitation of limited natural resources.
C. The day when everything built on oil collapses.
D. Consumption of oil in our motor cultures.
4. According to the speaker, how long will the present oil
reserves last?
A. Approximately 30 years. B. Approximately 40 years.
C. Approximately 45 years. D. Approximately 50 years.


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