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文档介绍:第二部分:笔试(95分) 一、单项选择(15分)
(  ) you were ______others,you would have more friends.
A. friend to  friendly to  friendly at  D. more friendly to
(  ) will do it better if the teacher ______me another chance .
   B. gives  C. gave  D. will give
(  ) didn‘‘t go to the concert and Tina didn‘‘t go_______.
A too  B. either  C, also  D. neither (  ) study for a test _____ working with a group. A. in  B. by   C. on  D. with
(  )‘‘t laugh______others when they are in trouble.
A. at   B. of   C. in   D. to
(  ) have trouble ________ the sentence.
A. to understand  B. understanding  C. understand  D. to understanding
(  ) used to be_____.   Now she is very shy.
A. quiet  B. outgoing  C. smart  D. wild
(  )28. The village_______ a lot in the last few years.
A. changed  B. has changed  C, will change  D. is changing
(  ) I was young, I used to spend much time_______story books.
A. read   B. reading   C. looking   D. look
(  ) brother often makes mistakes_____grammar.
A. in   B. of  C. by  D. at
(  ) think that ______more vegetables_______ good for us. A. eatting, are  B. eating, is  C. eating, are  D. eatting,is
(  ) you don‘‘t know the word,_______in the dictionary.
A. look it up  B. look up it  at it  D. find it
(  )‘‘s not allowed for children _______.
A. to g