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文档介绍:该【吉林省中考英语听力命题趋势及特点研究 】是由【wz_198613】上传分享,文档一共【5】页,该文档可以免费在线阅读,需要了解更多关于【吉林省中考英语听力命题趋势及特点研究 】的内容,可以使用淘豆网的站内搜索功能,选择自己适合的文档,以下文字是截取该文章内的部分文字,如需要获得完整电子版,请下载此文档到您的设备,方便您编辑和打印。吉林省中考英语听力命题趋势及特点研究
关键词:吉林省中考 英语听力 命题 趋势 特点
1. 题目难度适中
2. 文化背景与实际生活相结合
1. 短文与对话结合
2. 内容贴近学生生活
3. 语速适中
4. 考察重点多样化
1. 吉林省教育厅. [2022]. 吉林省中考英语听力命题趋势及特点研究.
2. 张明. [2020]. 中小学英语听力教学方法研究. 吉林教育学院学报, (5).
Abstract: Through the analysis and research of the English listening test questions in the Jilin Province Junior High School Entrance Examination, this paper finds out the trends and characteristics of the test questions, in order to provide reference for teaching practice and student preparation.
Keywords: Jilin Province Junior High School Entrance Examination, English listening, test questions, trends, characteristics
English listening is an important part of learning English, which plays a crucial role in developing students' listening comprehension, pronunciation recognition, and listening skills. The English listening test in the Jilin Province Junior High School Entrance Examination accounts for a certain proportion of the overall score. Therefore, it is of great significance to study and analyze the trends and characteristics of the English listening test in the Jilin Province Junior High School Entrance Examination for students' preparation and teaching practice.
I. Current Situation of the English Listening Test in the Jilin Province Junior High School Entrance Examination
In the English listening test of the Jilin Province Junior High School Entrance Examination, the themes of the test questions cover various aspects of life, study, travel, environment, etc. The purpose is to test students' listening comprehension and response ability in practical life scenarios. The types of listening questions mainly include multiple-choice questions, fill-in-the-blank questions, true/false questions, etc.
II. Trends of the English Listening Test in the Jilin Province Junior High School Entrance Examination
1. Moderate Difficulty of the Questions
The difficulty of the English listening test questions in the Jilin Province Junior High School Entrance Examination is moderate, neither too easy nor too difficult. Such test questions can ensure that students can be tested within their ability range and assess their listening proficiency and response ability.
2. Combination of Cultural Background and Real-Life Situations
The English listening test questions in the Jilin Province Junior High School Entrance Examination often combine Chinese and foreign cultural backgrounds with real-life situations. They aim to test students' understanding and response ability in cross-cultural communication and real-life scenarios. Such test questions can enrich students' knowledge and develop their language skills.
III. Characteristics of the English Listening Test in the Jilin Province Junior High School Entrance Examination
1. Combination of Short Passages and Dialogues
The English listening test questions in the Jilin Province Junior High School Entrance Examination often use a combination of short passages and dialogues for test questions. Such format provides more detailed information to students and helps them better understand and respond to dialogues and passages in different scenarios.
2. Content Close to Students' Life
The content of the English listening test questions in the Jilin Province Junior High School Entrance Examination is often close to students' living environment and real-life situations, involving school, family, friends, and society. Such test questions enable students to better understand and respond to various situations in daily life, enhancing their listening comprehension and response ability.
3. Moderate Speed of Speech
The speed of speech in the English listening test questions in the Jilin Province Junior High School Entrance Examination is generally moderate, neither too fast nor too slow. Such test questions enable students to keep up with the listening content while maintaining the difficulty of the listening comprehension.
4. Diverse Focus of Assessment
The English listening test questions in the Jilin Province Junior High School Entrance Examination assess various aspects, including vocabulary, grammar, listening skills, etc. Such test questions comprehensively assess students' English language proficiency and promote the overall improvement of their listening and speaking abilities.
Through the research and analysis of the English listening test questions in the Jilin Province Junior High School Entrance Examination, the trends and characteristics have been identified. These trends and characteristics can provide guidance for students' preparation and teaching practice for teachers. In future teaching practice, teachers should target these trends and characteristics to conduct targeted listening teaching and improve students' listening comprehension and response ability.
1. Jilin Provincial Department of Education. (2022). Research on the Trends and Characteristics of English Listening Test Questions in Jilin Province Junior High School Entrance Examination.
2. Zhang, M. (2020). Research on Teaching Methods of English Listening in Primary and Secondary Schools. Journal of Jilin Institute of Education, (5).


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