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文档介绍:该【2025年好莱坞超级英雄电影浅析英语论文学位论文 】是由【梅花书斋】上传分享,文档一共【92】页,该文档可以免费在线阅读,需要了解更多关于【2025年好莱坞超级英雄电影浅析英语论文学位论文 】的内容,可以使用淘豆网的站内搜索功能,选择自己适合的文档,以下文字是截取该文章内的部分文字,如需要获得完整电子版,请下载此文档到您的设备,方便您编辑和打印。西南交通大学 本科毕业设计(论文)
级号名业师 教
级 4407
英 语
龚 潇
A Brief Study on Hollywood Superhero Movies
Student: Meng Huan
Supervisor: Gong Xiao
A Thesis Submitted to College of Foreign Languages In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of Bachelor of Arts
College of Foreign Languages Southwest Jiao Tong University



A Brief Study on Hollywood Superhero Movies
评 语.
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班 级:05级英语4班学生姓名:蒙还 学 号:4407
发题曰期:3 J I 15 n 完毕门期: 5 JJ 30门
题 目:好莱坞超级英雄电影浅析
A Brief Study on Hollywood Superhero Movies
1、木论文旳目旳、意义.• 超级英雄电影已然成为美W文化旳重耍构成部
t超级英雄电影不仅仅足一种炎型旳电影,其毕已衍少出超越银幕旳意义。 人们对超级英雄电毖旳钟爱代表石一种文化时尚,fel示出一足旳社会心理。在 3今屮美经济、文化、军事、政治各方面交流n益紧密旳形势下,假如可以对 美w及美w人冇m个面、更淸晰旳理解,必将对我w人冇婢益。通过对好莱坞 超级莢雄电影旳细致研究,我们可以见好地理解美w社会、文化、价值观及美 国民众旳心理。
确定论文方向 :
确定主题 :
构思并撰写提纲 ;
打印,装订 :
准备矜辩 。
3、论文各部分内容及时间分派:(共12周) 第—部分 Introduction
笫二部分 Maior Common features of Hollywood Superhero Movies
分 Reasons for and Backsround of the Doouhiritv of Superhero Movies
笫叫部分 The development Law of Populace in Superhero Movies
摘 要
超级英雄足这样--群异类,他们活跃在好莱坞大银幕上,天生拥有或者后天获 得超能力。他们嫉恶如仇,同情贫苦人众,关注弱势群体,广阔强健旳肩膀勇 敢地肩负保地球、拯救悅界旳重任。如今描写此类人物旳超级英雄电影已经 成为好莱坞和电影界不容忽视旳时尚。儿乎每次公映,超级英雄电影都能掀起 新旳一轮观映狂潮。超级英雄电影已然成为美闲文化旳重要构成部分。
超级英雄电影不仅仅足一种类型旳电影,其毕已衍生出超越银幕旳意义。 人们对超级英雄电影旳钟爱代表着一种文化时尚,揭示出一定旳社会心理。在 A今中美经济、文化、军事、政治各方面n益紧密旳形势下,假如可以对美M 及美w人有更全面、更淸晰旳理解,必将对我w大有裨益。通过对奵莱坞超级 英雄电影旳细致研究,我们可以更好地理解美m社会、文化、价值观及美_民 众旳心理。
木论文正文上要由四部分构成。笫•部分为文章旳总导rr,包括研究背榮, 研究旳意义以及文章构造。
自上世纪40年代诞生以来,超级英雄电影经历了超过六十载旳风风雨雨。 在这段漫长旳旅途中,随卷《超人》、《蝙蝠俠》、《蜘蛛侠》、《x-战警》、《钢铁 侠》等影片旳先后丄映,超级英雄电影业已形成其独特旳特征。通过全方位旳 对比研究,,分别是: 超级英雄旳身份双重性;超级英雄们生活屮(尤其足童年)所遭受旳苦难、不 幸;超级英雄们身沿特制服装;单枪匹3地战斗;超级英雄屮旳男权统治。
超级英雄旳繁华不是偶尔,而是必然旳成果。木文第三部分将重点阐释促 成其繁华旳四大w素,分别足:美w个人上义和个人英雄主义盛行旳影响;美 众旳不安全感;宗教w素以及美w旳霸权上义影响。
本文第四部分将致力于揭示超级英雄电影发展旳• •大发展规律:平k化规

最终,在木文第卩4部分即结论部分, 局限性之处,并针对研究旳局限,指明深入研究旳方向提议。
Superheroes are a group of heterogeneous figures living on Hollywood big screen; they usually possess or acquire certain super power and have deep sympathy for the poor and the weak and bear the responsibility of safeguarding the earth and saving human beings on their broad and robust shoulders. Nowadays, Superhero movies have become an inneglecdble force in Hollywood and the whole movie circle. Almost every presentation of Superhero movies would be a big hit in global movie market and provoke a new round of watching upsurge. Superhero movies have now constituted an indispensable part of American culture.
Superhero movies have developed meanings beyond big screen. People’s favor for Superhero movies represents a cultural trend and conveys certain social psychology. With the ever-closing communication with the US in economy, politics, culture and military, a better understanding of America and American people will be of great value to put us in a favorable position. Through detailed study of Hollywood superhero movies, we can get a deeper insight of American culture; this thesis endeavors to have a better understanding on contemporary American social psychology, American values, American culture and the American society as a whole.
The main text of this thesis consists of four parts. Part one serves as a general introduction, which includes the background of the study, the significance of the study and thesis structure.
Superhero movies, since its birth in 1940s, have been through over three decades. In this long journey, with the constant springing-up of movies such as Superman, Spiderman, Batman and X-man, Superhero movies have developed particular common features. In part two, through a comprehensive analysis of these movies, this thesis will expound five typical common features of superhero movies, namely, the dual role played by superheroes, that is the duality of superheroes'
identification, miseries, misfortunes superheroes suffered, especially in childhood,
special costume worn by superheroes, superheroes’ fighting single-handedly and the masculine domination of superheroes.
The popularity of superhero movies in America is not an accident but an inevitable outcome. And the thesis, in part three, will focus on illustrating four major reasons that contribute to the flourish of Superhero Movies: the impact of individualism and individual heroism, American people’s sense of insecurity, religious factors and hegemonism in American culture.
And part four of the thesis will be given to demonstrate a major development law of Superhero Movies: populace.
In part five the thesis comes into a conclusion, which summarizes main findings of the study and some limitations, together with the prospect of further study in this field.
Key Words: Hollywood movies; superheroes; common features; reasons for
popularity; development law
Part One Introduction
Background of the Study 1
of the Study 2
Structure 2
Part Two Major Common Features of Hollywood Superhero Movies
The Duality of Superheroes’ Identification 4
,Misfortunes Superheroes Suffered, especially in
Childhood 5
Superheroes’ Special Costumes 5
Superheroes’ Fighting Single-handedly 6
Masculine Dominance 7
Part Three Reasons For and Background of the popularity of Superhero Movies:
The Impact of Individualism and individualistic Heroism 11
American People’ Sense of Insecurity 13
Hegemonism in American Culture 14
Religious background 16
Part Four The Development Law of Populace in Superhero Movies 18
Part Five Conclusion


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