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文档介绍:该【2025年ImpactsofCulturalDifferencesonWestEasternBusinessNegotiation英语专业论文 】是由【非学无以广才】上传分享,文档一共【26】页,该文档可以免费在线阅读,需要了解更多关于【2025年ImpactsofCulturalDifferencesonWestEasternBusinessNegotiation英语专业论文 】的内容,可以使用淘豆网的站内搜索功能,选择自己适合的文档,以下文字是截取该文章内的部分文字,如需要获得完整电子版,请下载此文档到您的设备,方便您编辑和打印。中国某某某某学校
题 目:Impacts of Cultural Differences
on West-Eastern Business Negotiation
姓 名 : 0000000
班级、学号 : 00000000
系 (部) : 经济管理系
专 业 : 商务英语
指导教师 : 00000
开题时间: 2009-4-10
完毕时间: 2009-10-22
2009 年 10 月 22 曰
目 录
毕业设计任务书………………………………………………… 1
毕业设计成绩评估表…………………………………………… 2
答辩申请书…………………………………………………… 3-5
课 题 Impacts of Cultural Differences on West-Eastern Business Negotiation



[1] Donald W. Hendon, Rebecca Angeles Hendon & Paul Herbig. Cross-cultural Business Negotiation [M]. London: Quorum Books. 1996.
[2] Guy Olivier Faure & Jeffrey Z. Rubin. Culture and Negotiation: The Resolution of Water Disputes [M]. UNESCO. .
[3] Larry A. Samovar, Richard E .Porter & Lisa A. Stefani. Communication between Cultures (3rd Ed) [M]. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. .
[4] Lillian H. Chaney & Jeanette S. Martin. International Business Communication. [M].New Jersey: Prentice Hall Career and Technology Englewood Cliffs. 1995.
[5] Raymond Cohen. Negotiating across Cultures International Communication in an Interdependent World [M]. Washington ..: Institute of Peace Press 1997.
[6]. 贾玉新. 跨文化交际[M], 上海:上海外语教育出版社,
[7]. 林大津,跨文化交际研究—与英美人交往指南[M],福建:福建人民出版社, 1996
Impacts of Cultural Differences on West-Eastern Business Negotiation
Today, the world is fast developing in the age of rapid economic globalizing. Business contacts among nations are getting more and more close, and have brought more and more opportunities to commercial activities. The successful business corporation, to a great extent, depends on achieving the mutually beneficial agreement. To reach an agreement, two parties need to negotiate. Negotiation, a very common and important activity in the business world, can be understood as a process in which two or more parties come together to discuss common and conflicting interests in order to reach an agreement of mutual benefit. Meanwhile, they bring different cultures to the negotiating table. Culture forges values and religious belief that define one
’s thinking and behavior. Therefore, negotiators with different cultural backgrounds employ different negotiating strategies. Thus, to negotiate effectively, negotiators should have a good understanding of culture and cultural differences. More importantly, they should know how negotiation is affected by culture. In doing so, negotiators can predict the process and adjust strategies in order to reach a satisfactory agreement.
Key words: West-eastern culture; Cultural differences; Business negotiation; Impacts
0. Introduction
Modern society with its advanced technology has brought businessmen considerably closer and more opportunities for doing business with each other. People in Eastern countries watch the movies produced by the West; while the Western consumers wear clothes made in the Eastern countries. The enhanced globalization of economy necessitates an increase in transactions across borders. As a consequence, opportunities for international business negotiation are on the dramatic increase. International negotiation involves people from different countries who discuss common and conflicting interests for arriving at an agreement of mutual benefit.
Negotiators from different countries conduct business in different ways, which are influenced by their given cultures. Culture forges people’s values, beliefs, and guides people’s behaviors. Thus, international negotiators tend to act according to their own values shaped by culture. Negotiators from different cultures prefer different approaches to negotiate. So, there is a closed link between negotiation and culture. Negotiating in domestic culture is easier because the two sides are relatively familiar with each other’s cultural background, but it is not the case for international negotiations. International negotiators bring along their own culture to the table. Different cultures will surely result in various negotiating styles, for culture has a great impact on business negotiations. When the two parties at the negotiating table pursue their own interests respectively, problems often crop up and the potential for misunderstanding each other is great. Discussions are frequently hindered because of different communication styles. Even though negotiators are technologically well prepared, it is not so easy to reach a satisfactory agreement between negotiators across cultures. Negotiations can be easily broken down due to a lack of mutual understanding of the cultures. Therefore, learning the opponent’s culture and having a good understanding of how cultural differences affect negotiation will be critically important if one wants to succeed in cross-cultural negotiations.
It is my intent, in this thesis, to present an exploration on the relationship between culture and negotiation, and to provide specific examples on how cultural differences affect negotiation across borders. In addition, I will give some recommendations to the negotiators who need to deal with people from other cultures. In today’s global environment, only those negotiators who fully understand the opponents’ culture and cultural effects on negotiation can be successful in international negotiations.

1. Culture and Cultural Differences
1 .1 Definition of Culture
As we all know, culture is not a new but rather complex topic, which has been heatedly discussed in the past decades. There are more than 160 definitions given in the anthropology literature and the term culture has been defined in many ways. We can say that culture can include language, arts, morals, beliefs, custom and even everything in our life.
In this thesis, culture is defined as “a set of learned and enduring values, beliefs, knowledge, standards, laws and behaviors shared by a group of members and determines how the member acts, feels and views oneself and others”. A society’s or a nation’s culture is passed on from generation to generation and people learn culture in everyday life by communicating with their family members and those around them. Culture directs people
’s judgment and opinion, and the standards for what is right or wrong. And very often, the people of a certain culture tend to act according to values, beliefs, customs and standards provided by their culture, which will usually manifest itself in how an individual view space, time, responds to others, communicates, does business, negotiates a contract or deals with a potential trade partner. So, to have a good understanding of your business partner’s culture can help predict your business partner’s behavior and develop sound strategies for deal-making and negotiations.
1 .2 Cultural Differences and Their Roots
With the globalization of economy, as well as the fast progressing of transportation and communication means, the way of doing business has been changed a lot and businessmen are given much more opportunities to touch various cultures than ever before. When transacting business in some foreign countries, Americans tend to employ what they consider professional behavior. Unfortunately, they are often given blank stares, pretended half-smiles. They are perceived as aggressive and insensitive to another culture, which is resulted from cultural difference. No country is completely self-sufficient and can develop itself without any connection to others. Many companies have their subsidiaries abroad and foreign products can be found in their home market. Today, many businessmen often find them working in a multi-cultural environment, dealing with a great number of differences ranging from communicating styles to social etiquette to values. It has been a well-known fact that people across nations and cultures behave and believe differently.


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