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初中英语新目标英语初一下册语法课件 同意句.ppt

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初中英语新目标英语初一下册语法课件 同意句.ppt

上传人:ffy51856fy 2015/5/15 文件大小:0 KB


初中英语新目标英语初一下册语法课件 同意句.ppt



1. His pen pal is from the USA.
= His pen es from the USA.
= His pen pal is American.
2. Where is the bank?
= Is there a bank near here?
= How can I get to the bank?
= Can you tell me the way to the bank?
= Which is the way to the bank?
3. Take the first turning on the left.
= Turn left at the first turning.
4. The hotel is next to the house. There is a garden in the house.
= The hotel is next to the house with a garden.
5. Let’s see the pandas first.
= What about seeing the pandas?
6. What other animals do you like?
= What else do you like?
7. What does he do?
= What is he?
= What’s his job?
8. How was the weather?
= What was the weather like?
9. Thanks for helping me.
= Thanks for your help.
10. He is medium build.
= He has a medium build.
11. It’s time for your lunch.
= It’s time for you to have lunch.
12. He has no dog and no family.
= He doesn’t have a dog or a family.
13. I think the shop is closed this morning.
= I don’t think the shop is open this morning.
14. I don’t know.
= I have no idea.
15. Where did you go on vacation?
= Which city/ country did you go on vacation?
16. What do you think of game shows?
= How do you like game shows?
17. The boy is eight years old.
= This is an eight-year-old boy.
18. He was late for school.
= He came to school late.
19. No photos!
= Don’t take photos here.
20. Miss Li i


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