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文档介绍:第一课时:Unit 1 She’s a nice teacher..
基本能够听懂、会说、会读词汇和短语:nice, clever, naughty, a bit, answer, the call。
学会运用“This is …”以及“He/She is very/a bit…”的语言结构。通过对句子的举一反三,达到对这个句式结构的理解,初步形成“句型”的概念。并且能够利用这个语言结构造句。
初步了解转折的表达方式:She is very nice. But she’s a bit shy.
复****词汇:thin, fat, short, tall, friend, teacher, pupil, mother, father, brother, sister, elephant, parrot。
教学重点:本课学****四个形容人的形容词:nice, shy, clever, naughty;句型:This is…He/She is …
Step 1 Warming up
The teacher says a tongue twister(利用展示课件绕口令内容).For example: A big black bug bit black bear, made the big black bear bleed blood. A big black bug bit black bear. Where’s the big black bear the big black bug bit? 教师示范,让学生试着加快速度重复这个绕口令。
Step 2 Presentation
Learn the new words: nice, shy, clever, naughty.
T:Hello, boys and girls. I have a friend. Who is he? Listen and guess, OK? He is tall and thin. He has short hair. His eyes are big. His mouth is small. Who is he? (Show the picture.)
S:He is Xiaoyong.
T:Oh, very good. He is Xiaoyong, and he is also clever.(教师出示聪明的一休的图片,让学生们体会“clever”的含义。)
T:My friend has a sister, her name is Maomao, and she’s a bit shy.
T:接下来通过呈现图片讲授单词“shy”,并用英语解释该单词。如:If someone is shy, it means he doesn’t talk too much and he is nervous in front of strangers. Do you know what it means?Who can guess?
T:Xiaoyong’s teacher is Ms Smart, and she is a nice teacher, It means she teaches very well, and she is good to her students. Can you examplain“nice” for me?
T:Xiaoyong has a parrot. He’s very naughty. And he can answer the call.
教师出示“淘气包鹦鹉”的图片,使学生领会这个单词的意思。教师表演“接电话”的动作,通过观察,使学生理解“answer the call”。
T:Can you act out this word?
Learn the text.
T:Boys and girls, look! Today we’ll have four groups. If you behave well, I will give a star for your group. Let’s see who can describe his or her friends best. And let’s see which group is the best in this class.
Now the first, let’s look at Panpan’s friends.
T: Who is he


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