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文档介绍:教育类Some people hold the view that nowadays history is of little meaning, while others argue that history still plays a significant role in our life. What is your opinion? Discuss both views, and give yours.
It is quite understandable that everyone looks at history in a unique way. Some say history is of little importance as it is accidental and dated, and that only the present and future really count. Others maintain that regular reviewing history will teach us to be wiser and far-sighted to the future. In this essay I will make a tentative analysis of both views before presenting my own perceptions of history.
People clinging to the former opinion argue that firstly, everything happens by chance. What happened yesterday means simply the past, and is highly unlikely to repeat itself. As a famous philosopher put it, “You can never step in the same river twice.” Moreover, as circumstances change constantly, it follows that the past practice and knowledge are dated and can say nothing meaningful about a different world. When paper bills and credit cards are widely accepted, no one will insist on using ancient currencies such as shells and heavy metal coins.
However, a series of counter reasons are also found with the opposite side. To begin with, knowledge, old and new, is unexceptionally based on past experience. Without history, human beings probably still remain in infant ages. One can hardly imagine the conveniences of cars puters without early inventions of horse-drawn carts and calculators. More importantly, history enlightens human mind by offering recorded cases for reference before making crucial decisions. “History is a magic mirror, in which you see the relationship between the past and the future.” Historians often say. Last but not least, history always arouses great interest among scholars, which leaves it an inexhaustible treasure for study.
From the parison, we can safely say, history is not only an important subject of study for social sciences