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文档介绍:该【BEC初级模拟题-(五) 】是由【guwutang】上传分享,文档一共【3】页,该文档可以免费在线阅读,需要了解更多关于【BEC初级模拟题-(五) 】的内容,可以使用淘豆网的站内搜索功能,选择自己适合的文档,以下文字是截取该文章内的部分文字,如需要获得完整电子版,请下载此文档到您的设备,方便您编辑和打印。BEC初级模拟题 (五)
Question 46
You are going to spend holidays in Hawaii in June. Suddenly you received a letter from an important customer,Mr. Elton Deland,who will arrive on 25th June and discuss the claim. You have to delay the trip till July.
Write a short message to Ms. Anne Folster, your secretary.
. Explain Why you postpone your trip.
. Mention the date when Mr. Elton Deland will arrive.
. Ask her to arrange your meeting.
. Write 30-40words on your Answer Sheet.
Question 46
(Sample for reference)
To : Ms. Anne Folster, I have to delay my trip to Hawaii till July,as Mr. Flton Deland will arrive in London on 25th June and discuss the claim face to face. Please arrange our meeting on 26th June.

Question 47
You work for General,a company which produces cars. You` are in charge of Product Development. Reed the following chart which shows the results of a survey between your company and Quaker, your main competitor. The chart does not tell the exact numbers but the exact ratings. A refers to Gener41 company,while B refers to Quaker company.
. Use the information in the chart to write a short report (about 100- 120 words) analyzing the reason why Quaker over benefits recently to increase your company”s competitiveness.
. Write on your Answer Sheet.
A : General company B :Quaker company
Question 47
(Sample for reference )
After careful survey, we can see clearly from the chart that our cars have more models and colours than those of Quaker Company, our main competitor with higher quality. However, Quaker Company”s income increases more quickly. What is the reason? First, Quaker Company spends much more money in advertising. I suggest we advertise on BTV, the most popular broadcasting station nowadays. Secondly, we should enlarge the scope of our after-sales service. We can open more service stations in many medium-sized cities. Thirdly,if we have more money, We can hire more salesmen to sell cars directly to the customes, especially, more salesmen in medium-sized cities.


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