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  Good leaders。
  I can stick to the four cardinal principles, China support the leadership of the Communist Party, love the party's education, to implement the party's education policy and route, set an example, virtue, dedication, dedication, by school leaders and teachers and students praise。 In May, XXXX was named as a flag class teaching expert。 In July, he was the first member of the party's Knowledge Quiz Competition organized by the town government, and was named excellent teacher by the town government in September。 XX with class was rated as grade's advanced class, August XXXX in Baxiantong town of Communist education on Party members'advancement activities I Tim flag for the glory won the first prize in the speech contest, on behalf of the town government in party organization of the speech contest was awarded first prize。 In June, XXXX joined the flag Education Bureau to celebrate the founding of the party 85th anniversary know honor and disgrace, tree new wind speech contest won the two prize。 In September, XXXX was rated as an excellent educator by the town government, and the four grade Chinese teaching was awarded the first place in the quality examination of the whole town。

  I like art, has been involved in Baxiantong mengjiaduan nadamudahui, with 40 people to dance together for the conference, participated in the Naiman Square Cultural Week, and sang songs and two teachers cheers for Inner Mongolia。
  I am an ordinary teacher, my inner like my appearance, honest and it is my own best summarized。 I'm not floating, not floating, not impatient, not lazy。 I am full of heart, material pleasure and spiritual stimulation are not my hobbies。 I'm honest with people, and there is no rhetoric, but sincerity and honesty make me always win the trust of my friends。 I am a solid professional, down—to—earth, and small things I also need to complete meticulous。 I wish I could pretend a little bit of green to my team anonymously and silently。
  Judges, teachers, my application for self introduction, as above, please believe me, give me a chance, I will use my practical ability to bring you surprise。
  我能坚持四项基本原则,拥护中国共产党的领导,热爱党的教育事业,坚持贯彻落实党的教育路线和方针政策,以身作则,为人师表,敬业爱岗,乐于奉献,深受校领导及师生的'好评。xxxx年5月被评为旗级教学能手,7月代表八仙筒教办参加镇政府组织的党知识问答比赛,获团体第一名,9月被镇政府评为“优秀教师”。 XX年所带班级被评为旗级先进班集体,xxxx年8月在八仙筒镇保持共产党员先进性教育活动“我为党旗添光彩”演讲比赛中获一等奖,之后代表镇政府参加旗委组织的演讲比赛获优胜奖。xxxx年6月参加旗教育局组织的庆祝建党八十五周年“知荣辱,树新风”演讲比赛获得二等奖。xxxx年9月被镇政府评为优秀教育工作者,本人担任的四年级语文教学在全镇质量检测中获得第一名。



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