文档介绍:摘 要
信赖域算法是非线性优化中一类重要的数值计算方法。它首先由 Powell 于 1970 年提出,随后在不断的研究中,人们发现了其诸多优点, 例如可靠性强,能解决 Hessian 矩阵不正定,迭代点收敛到鞍点等问题, 并且具有全局收敛性。因此信赖域算法和线搜索算法并列为求解非线性规划问题的两类主要的数值计算方法。
Trust region algorithm is a class of important pute method of nonlinear optimization. It first proposed by Powell in 1970. Then people discover its many advantage in the continual studying. It have better reliability; for example ,it can resolve Hessian negative definite, convergence to saddle eatl problems; and retains the global convergence. So trust region algorithm and linear search method are tow important pute method for solving nonlinear programming.
Thesis main study unconstrained optimzation nonmonotone trust region bining the based on repeated function average value step down nonmonotonic technology which proposed in recent years and trust region algorithm. Propose three new nonmonotone trust region algorithm, and respectively proved the global convergence of the new last, numerical experiment prove the validity of the algorithm.
The full thesis is divided into four chapters. The first chapter introduced the optimization basic theory and unconstrained optimization development history.
Then retrospect research condition of trust region algorithm. Pointed out the development prospects of trust region algorithm. The second chapter,
discussed the general trust region algorithm basic idea and the basic structure. Based on this, introduction the nonmonotone trust region algorithm. The third chapter construct a nonmonotone trust