文档介绍:该【英汉影视翻译课程教学模式探索 】是由【niuww】上传分享,文档一共【4】页,该文档可以免费在线阅读,需要了解更多关于【英汉影视翻译课程教学模式探索 】的内容,可以使用淘豆网的站内搜索功能,选择自己适合的文档,以下文字是截取该文章内的部分文字,如需要获得完整电子版,请下载此文档到您的设备,方便您编辑和打印。英汉影视翻译课程教学模式探索
1. 国内影视翻译课程现状
2. 国外影视翻译课程现状
1. 课程设计
2. 教学方法
3. 教师培养
1. 张清. 影视翻译课程教学改革刍议[C]. 中国翻译协会2018年会,2018.
2. 卢建华. 影视翻译专业培养模式探究[J]. 古籍资料与研究,2017(03): 102-103.
3. 黄燕. 英汉影视翻译教学模式改革与实践[C]. 第二届国际翻译教育研讨会,2015.
Abstract: With the development of globalization and the increasing frequency of exchanges between China and the international community, film and television translation, as an important means of cross-cultural communication, has gradually attracted people's attention. The exploration of teaching models for film and television translation courses is of great significance in cultivating professional film and television translation talents. This paper will explore the teaching model of English-to-Chinese film and television translation courses through an analysis of the current situation and problems of film and television translation courses at home and abroad, in order to provide some reference for film and television translation education.
Keywords: film and television translation; teaching model; curriculum design; exploration
1. Introduction
With the accelerated development of globalization and the increase in China's international status, film and television translation, as an important means of cross-cultural communication, plays an important role. However, the current situation of lack of film and television translation talents in China is severe, and the cultivation of film and television translation courses has become an urgent problem to be solved. The exploration and improvement of teaching models for film and television translation courses are of great significance in cultivating talents with film and television translation skills.
2. Analysis of the Current Situation and Problems of Film and Television Translation Courses at Home and Abroad
1. Current situation of film and television translation courses in China
At present, most of the film and television translation courses in China focus on translation theory, with weak practical operations. The course design lacks flexibility and cannot meet the actual needs of students. At the same time, the overall quality of the teaching staff needs to be improved. The teaching methods and means lack innovation and cannot stimulate students' interest in learning.
2. Current situation of film and television translation courses abroad
In contrast, film and television translation courses abroad pay more attention to practical operations and the cultivation of professional skills. Many foreign universities have established dedicated film and television translation courses, including translation preparation, subtitles production, dubbing, and other aspects. The film and television translation courses abroad usually adopt a combination of small class teaching and practical case analysis, which is closer to the actual work demand.
3. Exploration of Teaching Models for English-to-Chinese Film and Television Translation Courses
1. Curriculum design
In response to the problems existing in film and television translation courses in China, innovation should be made in curriculum design. First, more emphasis should be placed on practical operations and the cultivation of professional skills, with increased analysis of actual cases and practical projects. Secondly, elective courses of different difficulty levels and contents should be designed according to students' professional backgrounds and interests to meet their individual needs.
2. Teaching methods
Traditional lecture-style teaching methods can no longer meet the diverse learning needs of students. In terms of teaching methods, it is necessary to introduce cooperative learning, case-based teaching, project-based learning, and other teaching methods appropriately to cultivate students' teamwork skills and practical operation ability. At the same time, online learning platforms can be combined to provide diversified learning resources and communication platforms.
3. Teacher training
Improving the overall quality of the teaching staff is the key to improving the teaching model of film and television translation courses. Efforts should be made to strengthen the professional training of teachers, improve their practical experience and professional literacy in film and television translation. Meanwhile, a tracking and evaluation mechanism should be established to provide timely feedback on the teaching effectiveness of teachers.
4. Conclusion
The exploration of teaching models for film and television translation courses is of great significance. Through innovative curriculum design, improved teaching methods, and strengthened teacher training, the practical operability and professional level of film and television translation courses can be improved, and more talents with film and television translation skills can be cultivated, further promoting the development of film and television translation in China.