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Unit 7
Lesson 1 EQ:IQ
第一课 EQ: IQ
Success Comes with a High EQ

Most students do an IQ (Intelligence Quotient) test early in their school life.
Even if they never see their results, they feel that their IQ is what determines how
well they are going to do in life. When they see other students doing better than
them, they usually believe that those students have a higher IQ and that there is
nothing they can do to change their situation. However, new research into EQ
(Emotional Quotient) suggests that success is not simply the result of a high IQ.
大多数学生会在学生生涯早期做智商测试。 即使从未看到过测试结果,他们
也认为是智商决定了自己日后生活中的表现。 当看到其他学生比自己优秀,他们
通常会认为那些学生智商更高, 无论做什么也改变不了自身这一劣势。 然而,最

While your IQ tells you how intelligent you are, your EQ tells you how well you
use your intelligence. Professor Salovey, who invented the term EQ, gives the
following description: at work, it is IQ that gets you employed, but it is EQ that gets
you promoted. Supported by his research, Professor Salovey suggests that when
predicting someone’s future success, their character, as measured by EQ tests, might
actually matter more than their IQ.

Professor Salovey may be correct. For example, have you ever wondered why
some of the smartest students in your class, who you think deserve good grades,
sometimes end up failing exams? Perhaps their failure is because of their lower EQ.
People are often mistaken in thinking that those with high IQs always have high EQs
as well. This association can exist, but it is just as possible for someone with a low IQ
to have a high EQ or someone with a high IQ to have a low EQ.
的学生,那些你认为本应取得好成绩的学生,有时却考试不及格 ?也许他们的失
败是因为情商较低。 人们常误以为高智商的人也同样拥有高情商。 这种关联可能

It is generally believed that people with high EQs are open to new ideas and
have positive attitudes towards life. They are also less likely to be troubled by internal
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problems. On the other hand, there is little doubt that people with low EQs often
have problems getting on with other people and dealing with difficult situations;
hence they have a harder time adjusting in life and in their careers.
人们普遍认为,情商高的人容易接纳新思想, 对待生活积极乐观, 很少为自
身问题所困扰。另一方面,情商低的人毫无疑问往往在与人相处、 解决困难方面

People generally believe that a person’s IQ is determined by birth. However,
most social scientists agree that EQ has a lot to do with education. Some are trying to
study the possibility of improving a person’s EQ, especially in terms of “people kills”,
such as understanding and communication.
情商与教育有很大关系。一些科学家正试图研究提升情商的可能性,特别是 “人

Professor Mayer, recognised by many as a leading expert in the study of changes
to people’s EQs, recently announced the results of a study on senior secondary
school students. When students were introduced to those who had disabilities, they
found that, afterwards, the non-disabled students were more willing to help people
with difficulties. Compared to students who had not been involved in the study, they
also showed a better understanding of the disabled students’ feelings. There was also
an obvious change in the disabled students’ attitudes. They became more positive
about life and more willing to try new things.
全的学生会更愿意帮助残障人士。 与未参与这一研究的学生相比, 他们能更好地
理解残障学生的感受。 同时, 残障学生的态度也发生了明显的变化, 他们对待生

Altogether, the results of studies show that EQ is as important, if not more
important than IQ. To get ahead in the world and lead a happy successful life requires
getting on well with other people and being able to understand and react to
situations in the best way possible. A high EQ is necessary for this—the higher the
better. And the fact that it might be possible to raise EQs means that schools need to
make sure that their students are receiving an education they really need, not solely
based on IQ but on developing the entire character.
总之, 一系列研究表明情商即使不比智商更重要, 至少也是同等重要。 要在
这个世界上出人头地, 过上快乐又成功的生活, 必须要与他人融洽相处, 并能够
以最好的方式理解和应对各种状况。 要做到这些高情商必不可少, 而且是越高越
好。 此外, 情商是可以后天提高的, 这就意味着学校需要确保学生接受真正所需

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Lesson 3 Meet the New Boss: You
第三课 遇见新老板:你

Up until the 1980s, people in many countries regularly followed in their parents’
footsteps by working in the family business or joining the same profession as them.
You’d follow your father to sea, onto the farm or into the workshop. You’d follow your
mother into the kitchen or sewing room. In your grandparents’ time, there was the
prospect of doing the same job from graduation until retirement. How times have
changed! Most people now have no intention of following in their parents’ footsteps
or even staying at one job for very long.
一直到 20 世纪 80 年代,在很多国家人们往往子承父业, 参与家族生意, 或
会像妈妈一样进厨房、 去缝纫室。 在你祖父母的时代, 人们的预期是从毕业到退
休都做同样的工作。现在时代变了 !如今大多数人不再想子承父业,甚至不愿长

In fact, planning to work in the same field or industry for your entire working life
just isn’t practical anymore. One reason for this is technology. The skills you have
now are unlikely to remain relevant and be enough to help you through your entire
career. In fact, they will probably be out of date very soon. And then what will you do?
Work hard? Win the lottery? Hope for the best? You might be lucky. These strategies
might bring you a nice, comfortable life: working at a job you like, earning a decent
salary and retiring while you’re still young and healthy. But most of us today have to
look beyond the little box called “career”.
事实上, 在同一个领域、 同一行业工作一辈子的想法已经不现实了。 其中一
整个职业生涯。事实上, 这些技能可能很快就会过时,然后你会怎么做?努力地
适的生活: 从事一项自己喜欢的工作, 挣着一份体面的薪水, 退休时还年富力强。
但是,今天我们大多数人都必须跳出 “职业生涯 ”这个小框来看待问题。

If you think you can work eight hours a day and build a career, think again. You
might be able to keep your job if you finish what you are asked to do, but this is
hardly a recipe for great career success. Instead, you’d better keep looking for
smarter ways to do your work. You’ll n


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