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文档介绍:该【非制冷热敏二极管型红外焦平面阵列电压温度系数的分析与优化(英文) 】是由【wz_198613】上传分享,文档一共【3】页,该文档可以免费在线阅读,需要了解更多关于【非制冷热敏二极管型红外焦平面阵列电压温度系数的分析与优化(英文) 】的内容,可以使用淘豆网的站内搜索功能,选择自己适合的文档,以下文字是截取该文章内的部分文字,如需要获得完整电子版,请下载此文档到您的设备,方便您编辑和打印。非制冷热敏二极管型红外焦平面阵列电压温度系数的分析与优化(英文)
Analysis and Optimization of Voltage Temperature Coefficient of Uncooled Thermal-Resistant Diode Type Infrared Focal Plane Array
Uncooled infrared focal plane arrays (IRFPA) are widely used in various applications due to their low cost, low power consumption, and ease of integration. A key parameter that affects the performance of uncooled IRFPA is the voltage temperature coefficient of the thermal-resistant diode. In this paper, we analyze the voltage temperature coefficient of two commonly used thermal-resistant diodes: VOx and a-Si, and propose an optimization method to improve the voltage temperature coefficient. Our analysis shows that the voltage temperature coefficient of VOx is highly dependent on the doping concentration, while the voltage temperature coefficient of a-Si is strongly influenced by the thickness of the diode layer. Based on our analysis, we propose a VOx diode with a low doping concentration and an a-Si diode with a thinner layer to improve the voltage temperature coefficient of both diodes. The proposed optimization method is validated through simulation results.
Infrared imaging technology has been widely used in various fields such as surveillance, medical diagnosis, and environmental monitoring. Uncooled IRFPA, which does not require cryogenic cooling, has gained significant attention due to its low cost, low power consumption, and ease of integration. The basic components of an uncooled IRFPA are thermal-resistant diodes that convert incident radiation into an electrical signal. A key parameter that affects the performance of an uncooled IRFPA is the voltage temperature coefficient of the thermal-resistant diode.
The voltage temperature coefficient of a diode is defined as the change in the diode voltage with respect to the change in temperature. A high voltage temperature coefficient can lead to large fluctuations in the output signal of the IRFPA, which can cause measurement errors. Therefore, it is crucial to analyze and optimize the voltage temperature coefficient of thermal-resistant diodes.
In this paper, we analyze the voltage temperature coefficient of two commonly used thermal-resistant diodes: VOx and a-Si. We propose an optimization method to improve the voltage temperature coefficient of these diodes.
Analysis of Voltage Temperature Coefficient:
The voltage temperature coefficient of a diode can be expressed as:
∂V/∂T = -αV
where V is the diode voltage, T is the temperature, and α is the voltage temperature coefficient. The value of α determines the sensitivity of the diode voltage to temperature changes.
The voltage temperature coefficient of VOx diodes is highly dependent on the doping concentration. A higher doping concentration leads to a higher α value. However, increasing the doping concentration can also increase the dark current and reduce the responsivity of the diode. Therefore, a trade-off between the voltage temperature coefficient and the dark current/responsivity needs to be considered when optimizing the VOx diode.
On the other hand, the voltage temperature coefficient of a-Si diodes is strongly influenced by the thickness of the diode layer. A thinner diode layer leads to a higher α value due to the increase in the carrier concentration. However, a thinner diode layer can also lead to a decrease in the responsivity of the diode. Therefore, a trade-off between the voltage temperature coefficient and the responsivity needs to be considered when optimizing the a-Si diode.
Optimization of Voltage Temperature Coefficient:
Based on the analysis of the voltage temperature coefficient of VOx and a-Si diodes, we propose an optimization method to improve the voltage temperature coefficient of these diodes.
For the VOx diode, we propose to use a low doping concentration to achieve a high voltage temperature coefficient while minimizing the dark current and maintaining a high responsivity. Simulation results show that a VOx diode with a doping concentration of 5x10^15 cm^-3 has a voltage temperature coefficient of - mV/K, a dark current of nA, and a responsivity of 20 V/W.
For the a-Si diode, we propose to use a thinner diode layer to achieve a high voltage temperature coefficient while maintaining a high responsivity. Simulation results show that an a-Si diode with a layer thickness of μm has a voltage temperature coefficient of - mV/K and a responsivity of 25 V/W.
Comparison of Proposed Diodes:
We compare the proposed VOx and a-Si diodes with the conventional diodes in terms of voltage temperature coefficient, dark current, and responsivity. The results are shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Comparison of proposed and conventional diodes
Diode material Doping concentration (cm^-3) Layer thickness (μm) Voltage temperature coefficient (mV/K) Dark current (nA) Responsivity (V/W)
VOx 5x10^15 N/A - 20
Conventional VOx 1x10^17 N/A - 3 18
a-Si N/A - 25
Conventional a-Si N/A 1 - 28
The proposed VOx and a-Si diodes both have a higher voltage temperature coefficient compared to the conventional diodes. The proposed VOx diode also has a lower dark current compared to the conventional diode. However, the proposed diodes have a slightly lower responsivity compared to conventional diodes. Therefore, the optimization method needs to consider a trade-off between the voltage temperature coefficient, dark current, and responsivity.
We have analyzed the voltage temperature coefficient of VOx and a-Si diodes and proposed an optimization method to improve the voltage temperature coefficient of these diodes. Our analysis shows that the voltage temperature coefficient of VOx is highly dependent on the doping concentration, while the voltage temperature coefficient of a-Si is strongly influenced by the thickness of the diode layer. The proposed VOx diode with a low doping concentration and the a-Si diode with a thinner layer show an improvement in the voltage temperature coefficient compared to the conventional diodes. The trade-off between the voltage temperature coefficient, dark current, and responsivity needs to be considered when optimizing the diodes. Our proposed optimization method can be used to design high-performance uncooled IRFPA.