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文档介绍:该【2025年七年级英语下册动词专项提高80题 】是由【读书之乐】上传分享,文档一共【4】页,该文档可以免费在线阅读,需要了解更多关于【2025年七年级英语下册动词专项提高80题 】的内容,可以使用淘豆网的站内搜索功能,选择自己适合的文档,以下文字是截取该文章内的部分文字,如需要获得完整电子版,请下载此文档到您的设备,方便您编辑和打印。新目旳人教版七年级英语下册
1.      The children are ___________ (run) there now.
2.      I ________ up at half past six this morning.  (get )
3.      It’s time ___________ (have ) sports.
4.      My mother ____________ a lot of fruit yesterday afternoon . (buy)
5.      Please _______ (put) the ball in the box.
6.      They ________ _________ a meeting yesterday. ( not have)
7.      - ___________ you _________ ( have) any colour pens?
-         Sorry, I don’t have any.
8.      She likes eggs, but she __________________ (not like) bread.
9.      Lucy helped the old man ____________ the big basket. (carry)
10.  – Does he like it?    - Yes, he ________.
11.  – How much meat ________ you ___________ (want) ?   - A kilo, please.
12.  Can you come and ___________ (play) football with us?
13.  There __________ (be) a pen and two erasers in the pencil- box.
14.  You must _________ (get) here at two this afternoon.
15.  The twins _________ thirteen two years ago. (be)
16.   Where __________ her friend _____________ (swim) now, do you know?
17.  We must __________ (help ) the teacher carry it.
18.  Who __________ (teach) you English in your school?
19.  Would you like _____________ (eat) an apple?
20.  Look! The bus ____________________ (come).
21.  Near our school there _________ (be) a shop, it _________ (sell) a lot of books.
22.  I don’t want __________ (buy) any food. But he _________ (want).
23.  What _______ he _________ (like) ?
24.  He __________ (teach) English in a middle school.
25.  Han Ling likes __________ (make) things.
26.  – What ________ she ___________ (do)?
-         She _________ ______________ (clean) her room now.
27.  Look at the man. He __________________ (drink) tea.
28.  He can ___________ (sing) this song.
29.  Let’s ___________ ( help ) my mother ___________ (cook).
30.  I think Li Lei must ______________ (be) at school.
31.  There __________ (be) some bread and meat on the table.
32.  Listen! She __________ (sing) an English song.
33.  Liu Ying ___________ (study) in Beijing.
34.  They _____________________ (clean) the floor now.
35.  Look! He ___________________ (drink) tea.
36.  Han Meimei often ____________ (play) games after school.
37.  Lily _______________ (be) a Young Pioneer.
38.  Please ___________ (close) the window, Wu Dong.
39.  What __________ the girls __________ (do) over there now?
40.  Let’s ______________ (help ) her.
_______ your pen pal ______ (come ) from?
boy is ___________ (watch) TV at home.
they finish ____________ (read) the story?
the girls __________________ (wear) new clothes?
( be ) you sitting and drinking tea?
of the people _____________ (be) singing.
are they doing? They _________________ (clean) the room.
(be) there any cups of tea? No, there ___________ (be) not any.
! Lucy ______________ (fly) a kite with Lily.
can ___________ (speak) Chinese and English.
______ you ___________ (do) ?
____________ (look) like her mother.
___________ (not) think so.
friends _____________ (play) cards now.
! Who _____________ (sing) in the classroom?
___________ (have) a good friend.
___________ (do) your friend come from?
like enjoy _________ (listen) to music after work every day.
___________ (live) in the city.
have two pen __________ (pal) from England.
One _________ (have) a map of China.
’s ____________ (introduce) to each other.
must finish __________ (write ) the question now.
Wang teaches __________ (we) Chinese.
is busy _____________ (play) volleyball.
’s time _____________ (get ) up.
are __________________ (thirteenth) girls in our class.
is busy ___________ (make ) a card.
Green ___________ (teacher) them English every day.
little girl __________ (have) a round face.
can’t ________ (go) there with us.
can’t _____________ (play) the piano.
can help him with ________________ (dance).
wants ____________ (join) the music club.
are busy ______________ (learn) English now.
music __________ (sound) very great.
(read) books is good for us.
can ____________ (learn) a lot about English.


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