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文档介绍:该【2025年外研版-中考英语选词填空专项训练 】是由【小屁孩】上传分享,文档一共【9】页,该文档可以免费在线阅读,需要了解更多关于【2025年外研版-中考英语选词填空专项训练 】的内容,可以使用淘豆网的站内搜索功能,选择自己适合的文档,以下文字是截取该文章内的部分文字,如需要获得完整电子版,请下载此文档到您的设备,方便您编辑和打印。 : .

before, changes , good , like, luck, spent , to save , suddenly, why , won
“If you __1__ a lottery and had lots of money, what would you do?"Most
people said that they would buy themselves things, __2__ a new car or a bigger
TV 。 Some people might even decide to move to a bigger house in a
Many people who win a lot of money might__ _4_ find that they have a lot of new
friends, aunts, uncles and cousins who may not have called in many years
suddenly want t o know you better 。 But of course, everybody knows _
__5__they are calling. If you won a lottery, would you give these people money?
Sometimes people cannot decide what they want to do with all the money they
have won, so they take a long vacation and try to think what they want. In the
end, most people usually decide __6___ the money。 There are some lottery
winners who decide to give up their jobs。 Some big lottery winners make even
bigger _7___ —-——they end their marriages。 They feel they are supposed to
be with a younger or more attractive man or woman, but what they don’t know
is that their new money is just a bit of___8_ It can’t change everything. The new
people they meet may flatter them for their money but they may also leave them
when the money _ __9__.
__ _10_you buy your next lottery ticket, think about what you want to do
and what you don’t want to do if you win.


succeed, everybody, afraid, interesting, replied, effect, bring, names, show,
In our life, the first step of the lead usually means the final win, so the success
and failure of your life may lie in whether you dare to __1__ yourself.
As a student, I was most __2_ to answer questions in class。 Whenever the
professor asked a question, I always lowered my head , for fear that the
professor saw me. : .
In a language class, an expert from the commercial bank gave a lecture。 The
speaker always wanted __3__ to follow him, so he asked how many students in
the classroom learned Economics, but no one ___4__。 The expert said with a
smile, “let me tell you a story first. ”
“When I first came to the United States to study, there are often lectures
given in the university. Before the beginning of every lecture, I found a(n)
__5__ phenomenon (现象)。 The students around me always took a cardboard
folded (折叠)in half, wrote their__6___with the most eye—catching color, and
then put it on the seat。 So when the 42 needed the students’ reaction, he could
see and call the listener’s name __7___。 "
I couldn't understand, so I asked the student in front of me。 He told me with
a smile; “The speakers are usually all top—ranking people, who can probably
__8__ you opportunities. When your answer is to his satisfaction, it is very likely
that he will give you more opportunities。 This is a very simple reason。
“The fact was also like that. I really saw a few of my classmates went to _9___
in the first-class company because of the excellent insights(洞察力).This thing
had a great __10__ on me.

difficulties, had, worse, however, best, disable, changed, give,
unfair, overcame ,good
Stephen Hawking, such a great man, is remembered by the whole world, not
only for his great achievement in physics, but mostly for his indomitable(百折不
挠的) will.
Stephen Hawking was born in 1942, took his doctor’s degree in physics and
then did research at Cambridge University in England. It seems as if that life
went smoothly。 He must have lived such a __1___ life。 But life is really
___2___to him. By the age of 21, his whole life __3____. He began to realize that
it was difficult to move around without falling over. As a matter of fact, he had
got a terrible disease of brain which was getting __4___。 Still in spite of this,
Stephen didn’t lose heart, he continued with his writing and research。
The life was getting more and more difficult , and he had to find ways that
would make it possible for him to speak, read and write, even though he could : .
later only move the fingers of one hand. ___5___, he had finished his book “A
Brief history of Time" which became a ____seller in 1988。
Stephen was such a firm man. He didn't stop working when facing so many
__7___。 With his strong will, he ___8___ all and __9__ great success. He will
forever set an example to all the __10__ people in the world。

frustrated, or, kitchen, exciting, well, to order, planning, in, owners,
Have you ever run out of coffee and had to drink tea? Found no
eggs______1________ sandwiches and nearest shop is too far away? All these
problems can be changed in the near future。
If all goes _______2_________, future kitchens will soon help solve all your
problems 。 The kitchen in the future will give wise advice on ____3_________
your menu for daily life. Mind your weight? The future kitchen will tell you the
right diet and what is good for your health. It will even keep _____4_______
mind your likes and dislikes。
Under design by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, this wonderful
future kitchen will pay attention to all your needs. The ___5__________
computer system has enough information about your life habits and your health
problems 。 And it will help take good care of its _____6________ 。
So what will happen if you need _____7_________ to eat or to drink? You’ll
never feel ___8________ if you have such a future kitchen. Why? The kitchen
will call the local supermarket ____9______ what you need in no time. It
____10__________ that the days we’ll own such a future kitchen is on the way。

was sent, flew, anther, believe, modern, written, language, traffic, certainly,

The worst traveler in the world was Paul of San Francisco. Once he ____ (1) : .
from the 。 to his hometown in Italy to see someone at home. The plane made
a one-hour stop to get oil at an airport in New York. Paul thought he was in
Rome. ____ (2), he got off the plane。
When nobody was there to meet him, Paul thought maybe the heavy ____(3)
made his friends late. While looking for their address, Paul found that the old
“Rome” had changed a lot. He found many high ____(4) buildings instead of old
ones. He also found that many people spoke English but not Italian and that
many street signs were ____ (5) in English。
Paul knew very ____(6) English。 So he asked a policeman in Italian the
way to the bus station. He happened to meet a policeman who was also born in
Italy and answered in the same ____(7)。
After twelve hours’ traveling round on a bus, the driver handed him over to
____(8) policeman 。 But this time, this policeman could only speak English。
So Paul asked the policeman why the Rome police employed (雇佣)so many
people who spoke English as policemen。
Paul didn't ____


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