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文档介绍:该【广西壮族自治区“贵百河-武鸣高中”2024-2025学年高一上学期12月月考英语答案Word版 】是由【1772186****】上传分享,文档一共【6】页,该文档可以免费在线阅读,需要了解更多关于【广西壮族自治区“贵百河-武鸣高中”2024-2025学年高一上学期12月月考英语答案Word版 】的内容,可以使用淘豆网的站内搜索功能,选择自己适合的文档,以下文字是截取该文章内的部分文字,如需要获得完整电子版,请下载此文档到您的设备,方便您编辑和打印。带格式的:字体:(中文)Times New Roman,四号, 字体颜色:黑色
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第一部分 听力(每小题L 5分,满分30分)
1 -5: AABCB 6-10 ABABC 11-15 AABCB 16-20 CCACB
第二部分 阅读理解(每小题2. 5分,满分50分)
第一节 21-23 CDD 24-27 BDCC 28-31 BACD 32-35 CBDA
第二节 36-40 ECDGB
第三部分 语言知识运用(三小节;共45分)
第一节 完形填空 41-45 ACBDB 46-50CACDC 51-55 BDABA
56. which 57. shelves 58. covered 59, to have 60. inviting
62. quietly 63. for 64. an
67. health 68. designer 69. apply 70. amazing/astonishing
descriptions 72. actually 73. struggled/strove 74. recognize/recognise 75. attracted 第四部分写作(满分25分)
Dear Smith,
I'm Li Hua, president of the Student Union. On behalf of our school, I'm writing to invite you to attend our English sharing session.(写信目的 4 分)
Aiming to share the methods of learning English and motivate students? interest, an English sharing session is scheduled to take place from 9 am to 4 pm next Sunday in our school meeting hall.(活动 目的、 时间、地点 8 分)In this sharing session, I sincerely hope you can provide some suggestions about how to learn English. Besides, students are encouraged to share their advice or questions in learning English. With you joining in the sharing session, I do believe that this activity will be successful.(活动内容 10 分)
rd appreciate it if you could take my invitation into account. Look forward to your early reply.(期待 参加3分)
Li Hua
Text 1
M: Hey, Julie. 1 have my car today, so you can go home in my car.
W: Thanks, but I need to buy a gift for Sandy. Could you drive me downtown?
M: Fm afraid I can't. It's not on my way.
Text 2
W: Why did you get up 20 minutes earlier than usual? It's only 6:30.
M: We'll go out fbr picnic. The school bus will come to pick me up in 30 minutes.
Text 3
W: What does your brother do, Matthew? Is he also in college, just like you?
M: Yes, he is.
W : What about your parents?
M : My father is a computer programmer. My mother teaches at a university.
Text 4
M: Are you going to the party tonight? I heard the school is going to provide snacks.
W: That sounds great, but I've been studying all day. I really just want to get home and relax this evening.
Text 5
M: How was the weather for your hiking trip last Saturday?
W: It rained a little in the morning, but got sunny in the afternoon.
M: Did you have a lot of fun?
W: Sure.
Text 6
M: I think it's about time that I had to go.
W: What? Won't you have more drinks?
M: I'd love to, but I have to catch the early flight tomorrow morning.
W: Oh! I'm sorry. I wish you could stay longer, but you need to pack your luggage.
M: Yeah! This time I will go to some villages in the mountain areas. The flight takes off at 7:00 am tomonow morning. After I return from the business trip, I will invite you to my house, too.
Text 7
M: Hi, my name is Luke. I'd like to buy Step into Success, which was written by Glorie Valentine, but I didn't see it on the shelf I got an e-mail from the membership club last week that said it would arrive on July 14th.
W: That's right, but unfortunately, it sold out very quickly.
M: Can I get my name on a waiting list? I don't want to miss out again.
W: Sure, thafs no problem at all. If you fill out this form, I can call you when the books arrive.
Text 8
W: Mike, please tell me something about our university. It9s so big that I get lost sometimes.
M: OK, Mary. Let's look at the map. Look, the student restaurant is at the bottom right comer. At the bottom left corner is the Student Union. And between the restaurant and the Student Union is the medical service.
W : I see. And what is it in the middle of the map?
M: That is the media center where you can take part in many activities.
W: Where is the library? I think I will use it a lot.
M: The new library is next to the Student Union. You can also borrow some books that can not be got from the old library, such as sports magazines and financial books, but you can borrow entertainment magazines from both.
Text 9
W: Hi, Mark. What did you do last summer?
M: I had a job in a shop and I loved it. It was a shoe shop in the town center. I had to work long hours but I met some really nice people and I made a lot of money. I will use it to buy a car when I go to college next year.
W: Wow. That's great. You've begun to make preparations for the future college life. Hopefully we'll still study together.
M: I hope so. Well, how did you spend your summer holiday?
W: I worked in a clothes shop during the summer holiday, but I didn't like it. I had to work from 8:00 am until 6:00 pm, and it made me feel tired.
M: Why don't you find a job in a bookstore? It's easy and interesting.
W: I don't know anything about working in a bookstore. Maybe I can try next time.
Text 10
Sam is a kind of sporty guy. He often does exercise after school between 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm every day. He thinks sports and games keep him healthy and strong enough to deal with all sorts of difficulties. Among all games, volleyball is his favorite. We often play volleyball with our classmates. Lily is another fellow in my group. She likes to do some social service. She often goes in for social practice with my classmates outside school. For example, she went to plant trees in spring last week. In this way, she gained a lot of social experience and learnt how to communicate with others. She attends this kind of activity once a week.
My spare time is full of interesting activities, but my favorite is to play basketball. After-school activities are quite necessary for students. Through these activities, we can learn many things that can't be learned in class.
C 文章中提到,uHorrible makeup effects (by Oscar winner Rick Baker), clever editing, and humor made this thrilling horror movie an instant ,《美国狼人在伦敦》成为经典 的原因是其巧妙的剪辑和幽默感。
D 文章中提到,“Could you spend $30 million in 30 days? Thafs exactly what Richard Pryor has to accomplish in this comedy. He inherits $300 million, but only if he can spend $30 million in a single month. If he fails, it*s back to zero again.”这段话说明,主角的主要挑战是在30天内花掉3000万 美元。
D 细节理解题。根据题干中的“music”定位到最后一段的“Five rebellious young men from Manchester with guitars have an ambition to forget school..";再根据其价钱“£+£, for postage”可知,。
【本文是一篇记叙文,文章讲述了作者和朋友们在大学城聚餐的故事。这次聚会主要是分享彼 此的暑期计划,但在晚餐后,作者注意到朋友大卫似乎有些心事。在进一步询问后,大卫敞开心扉, 分享了自己在大学第二年的种种困扰,包括心理健康问题、学术压力、焦虑和抑郁,以及与室友的 关系问题。作者和另一位朋友耐心地倾听了大卫的讲述,没有打断他,也没有提供建议,只是给予 支持和理解。】
B 文章中第一段提到,Last week, my friends and I got together to eat delicious baked chicken wings in our college town. We hadn't been together for quite a while, so it was nice to share summer plans with each ,选项B是正确的。
D 文章中第二段提到,"I noticed that my friend, David, was hovering a bit, seemingly not wanting to go as if he wanted, or needed, our company at that time.”这里的"hovering a bit”指的是 David 显 得有些犹豫或不确定,不想离开,希望有人陪伴。因此,选项D是正确的。
C 文章中第三段提到,"He shared with us issues of mental health he had been dealing with throughout the year with his academic research and his relationship with his roommates.” 这句话说 明David向作者和他的朋友分享了他在心理健康方面的问题。因此,选项C是正确的。
C文章中最后一段提到,David在当晚给作者和他的另一位朋友发短信表示感谢,因为他感 到他们花时间陪他。作者在日记中写道:“关注和关心一个人真的可以让他的一天变得美好。这 不一定要是一个昂贵的礼物。有时候,倾听的时间可能是最好的礼物。”这些信息表明,David 非常珍惜朋友们给予的时间和关注。
B 文章中第二段提到,"Residents in areas along the Missouri River have been building temporary levees along the river. They hope that the levees will prevent the river water from overflowing.” 这段 话明确指出,居民们沿河修建临时防洪堤的目的是防止河水溢出。因此,选项B是正确的。
A 文章中第三段提到,"This nuclear plant had been preparing for possible flooding since May 30th. Workers used over 5,000 tons of sand to construct barricades around the plant/9 这段话说明,该核电 站自5月30日就开始准备应对可能的洪水,并且工人使用了超过5,000吨的沙子来建造围绕电 站的屏障。这些信息表明,核电站采取了措施来防止洪水。因此,选项A是正确的。
C选项A说“内布拉斯加州的洪水预计会比密苏里州更严重:然而,原文中只提到在内布拉 斯加州河流可能会上涨五到七英尺,而在密苏里州可能会上涨多达十英尺,这并不能直接推断 出内布拉斯加州的洪水就更严重。选项B说“河流水位的上涨对周边地区的影响将是最小的”。
这与原文提供的信息相悖。原文提到美国政府己经同意提供10亿美元的紧急资金来修复被洪水 破坏的堤防和区域,这表明洪水对周边地区造成了显著的影响。选项C说“美国政府的反应表 明了洪水损害的严重性这个推断是合理的。原文提到美国政府已经同意提供大量的紧急资金 来修复洪水造成的损害,这通常意味着损害是严重的,需要政府的紧急响应和资金支持。选项 D说“专家确信洪水将在8月结束”。然而,原文中工程师和天气预报员只是认为河流会保持高 位直到8月,并没有说洪水会在8月结束.
D主旨大意题。本文第一段介绍了密苏里河水位上涨,多地发生洪灾,人们被迫离家逃难; 第三段介绍了居民修建临时防洪堤以抵御洪水,结果有几个防洪堤决堤了;第三段介绍了二个核 电站可能因为洪水面临关停,工人们提前做好了准备以御洪水;最后一段介绍了工程师和天气预 报员对于水位走向的预测,以及政府出资修复受损的防洪堤和地区的情况。综上所述,本文主要 介绍了密苏里河水位上升,造成的破坏,故选Do
【本文是一篇说明文,介绍了科学家发现深海底部多金属结核能生成氧气的现象,揭示了深海 生态的新机制,并强调了深海采矿可能对环境造成的影响。】
C 根据文章第二段的内容:“But in 2013, scientist Andrew Sweetman noticed something strange. When he measured the oxygen levels in the water above the ocean floor, he found that the oxygen levels were rising.^^这里面确指出,2013年,Sweetman博士测量到深海底部上方的水中氧气水 平在上升。因此,正确答案是C。
B 根据文章第三段的内容:“Dr. Sweetman initially thought his equipment wasn't working. In 2021, he used a different method to measure the oxygen levels again. The new measurements also showed rising oxygen levels. Thafs when he realized something unusual was happening.^^ Sweetman 博士最 初认为设备出问题是因为他原本预期深海底部的氧气水平会下降,而实际上却在上升。因此, 正确答案是B。
D 根据文章内容, Dr. Sweetman found that the nodules do make a small amount of electricity. When the nodules are close to each other, they make enough electricity to produce the oxygen he saw. 斯威特曼博士发现这些结核确实能产生少量的电。当结核彼此靠近时,它们会产生足够的电来 产生他所看到的氧气。
A文章主要讲述了 Sweetman博士发现深海底部存在氧气生成现象,并最终确定多金属结核是 生成氧气的原因。因此,最合适的标题是“Discovering Dark Oxygen Sources”,因为它准确概括 了文章的主要内容。正确答案是A。
C根据段落标题“Research your destination”可知该段落建议研究目的地,以此选择“Decide where you want to go and when”合适.
D解析:该段主要讲述要制定一个包括交通、住宿、食物和活动在内的预算,并坚持执行,因 此选项D“旅行不需要很昂贵“符合。
G解析:”根据该段标题“Book your activities in advance”可知,该段建议提前订票,因此“This could include museum tickets, guided tours, or adventure sports.”符合该段主旨。
B解析:该段提到该段提到要勇于尝试新事物,如拍照、品尝当地美食和沉浸在当地文化中, 因此选项B“勇于冒险和开放心态”符合该段主旨。
C根据后文的race可知,作者参加的是接力赛,故用relay (接力)。
B在此处,“do one's best”表示“尽最大努力”,符合语境。
C根据“pushing myself to the limit”可知,作者拼尽全力奔跑,全力冲刺,如猎豹一般,因此选 择“leopard”。
A根据后文的“pushing through the pain”可知,作者在比赛中感到pain。
C作者虽然感到疼痛,但没有停下来,而是选择忽略它,因此选择“ignoring” (忽略)。
D虽然作者所在的队伍没有赢得第一名,但对作者来说,这是一次伟大的胜利,因为他们展现 了运动精神,因此选择“great”(伟大的)。
A根据“never giving up”和“pushing through the pain"可'知,作者和队友们一直在为团队而战,因 此选择“fighting” (战斗)。
A运动会的精神不仅仅是关于输赢,而是关于过程、努力和永不放弃的精神,因此选择“quitting" (放弃)。
本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了上海的一家知名书店——钟书阁,详细描述了书店的设计、 布局、氛围以及经常举办的文学活动,旨在向读者展示这家书店的独特魅力和价值。作者成功地传 达了钟书阁作为文学与艺术交汇之地的特点,以及它对于读者和文学爱好者的吸引力。 答案及解析:
to have考查不定式,此处不定式短语“to have its own story”作为表语,描述每本书都似乎拥有 自己独特的故事。
for考查介词。固定搭配provide...for "为 ……提供”
an考查冠词,此处表示“一次难忘的经历”,用不定冠词an修饰unforgettable experience。
combines考查谓语动词,强调这个目的地作为一个整体,始终具备将书籍热爱与特殊体验相结 合的能力或特性,故用一般现在时。


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