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文档介绍:该【2025年山东春季高考英语试题 】是由【小屁孩】上传分享,文档一共【8】页,该文档可以免费在线阅读,需要了解更多关于【2025年山东春季高考英语试题 】的内容,可以使用淘豆网的站内搜索功能,选择自己适合的文档,以下文字是截取该文章内的部分文字,如需要获得完整电子版,请下载此文档到您的设备,方便您编辑和打印。 : .
山东省2025 年普通高校招生〔春季〕考试
本试卷分卷一 〔选择题〕 和卷二〔非选择题〕 两局部。总分值 80 分,考试时间 60 分钟。
卷一(选择题 ,共 50 分)
一、 英语知识运用〔此题 30 个小题,每题 1 分,共 30 分。在每题列出的四个选项中,只
1.一 Long time no see, Mike. ?
一 Pretty good. Everything goes well.
A. What are you doing B. What are you
C. How is it going D. What ’s wrong
2. 一 nice gift you have given to me!
一 I’m glad you like it.
A. How B. What C. How a D. What a
3. 一 My father was born .When he was ,he went abroad.
A. in 1970;in his thirty B. in the 1970s;in his thirties
C. in the 1970;in his thirty D. in 1970s;in his thirties
4. 一 Would you like something to drink?
一 . I’m thirsty.
A. Yes ,I can B. No ,thanks
C. Yes ,please D. No ,I don’t like it
5. 一 Bad weather! ?
一 It’s ﹣15℃~-5℃.
A. What ’s the weather like B. How is the weather
C. What ’s the temperature D. How do you like the weather
6. Linda’s parents bought a large house with a swimming pool. It be very expensive.
A. must B. need C. mustn’t D. needn’t
7. 一 May I use mobile phone?
一 Sorry, is left in the office.
A . you; I B. your ; my C. yours ; mine D. your ; mine
8. 一 How are you getting along with your classmates?
一 Very well. They are all me.
A. afraid of B. angry with C. friendly to D. tired of
: .
9. 一 late again, Li Ming.
一 Sorry, sir. I won ’t.
A. Not be B. Don’t be C. Not to be D. Don ’t to be
Would you mind my closing the window?
一 .
A. Certainly not B. Yes, please C. Sorry, I won ’t D. You mustn ’t
11. 一 Who is the little girl in the photo, Kate?
一 It’s me. The photo ten years ago.
A. takes B. took C. is taken D. was taken
I’d like two tickets for the next concert.
一 I’m sorry, sir. No tickets are now.
A. comfortable B. available C. valuable D. enjoyable
13. James as well as his friends fond of playing the guitar.
A. is B. do C. are D. does
14. Jack White wants to .

Lost and Found
Lost: A black bag in Room 601. Phone Jack White at 6885741.
Found: A man ’s gold watch. Please call Mr. Green at 6485797.

A. return a gold watch B. find a gold watch
C. return a black bag D. find a black bag
15. 一 How long have you the book?
一 Two weeks.
A. lent B. kept C. bought D. borrowed
16. It was noisy. The guide raised her voice to make herself .
A. hear B. heard C. to hear
What does your new English teacher look like?
一 .
A. She is from Canada B. She is very humorous
C. She is pretty with big blue eyes D. She teaches English very well
Is Jack in the supermarket?
一 Maybe. I saw him it with a shopping cart just now.
A. enter B. entered C. to enter D. enters
will never forget the sweet days he stayed in China.
B. which C. why D. when : .
How far is it from Jinan to Qingdao?
一 It’s about .
A. four hours’ drive B. four hour’s drive
C. four hour drive D. four hours drive
people in the earthquake meet lots of difficulties, but they haven’t hope.
A. looked up B. waken up C. picked up D. given up
Tom, let ’s go swimming.
一 I won’t go until I my homework.
A. finished B. finish C. am finishing D. will finish
The food here is delicious. I will surely come to this restaurant again.
一 .
A. So will I B. Neither will I C. So do I D. Neither do I

一 It’s a time for the family to get together.
A. What is Mid-autumn Festival about B. When is Mid-autumn Festival
C. Where do you spend Mid-autumn Festival D. Do you like Mid-autumn Festival
25. 一 Will you please show me how to the new machine?
一 Sure. It’s a piece of cake. Now let me tell you what to do first.
A. warn B. feed C. operate D. grow
26. 一 I will take my driving test tomorrow.
一 !
A. Enjoy yourself B. Congratulations C. Good luck D. Good idea
27. 一 Shall we buy some cards foe our teachers?
一 Why not make some by ourselves? It will be much .
A. meaningful B. more meaningful
C. most meaningful D. the most meaningful
What ’s the for the double room?
一 200 yuan a night, including breakfast.
B. size C. rate D. sale
29. 一 What skills do you have?
一 Well, .
A. I’d like to apply for the job B. I graduated from a vocational school
C. I want to be a teacher D. I can fix buses and trucks
Someone is knocking at the door, mom!
一 Go and see .
A. who is it B. who it is C. who is he D. who he is : .
二、阅读理解〔此题 10 个小题,每题 2 分,共 20 分。在每题列出的四个选项中,只有一
School Programs
Josephine School
Music Program is offered all year round to students of grades 1-5. You can choose violin lessons or
piano lessons. Enjoy our beautiful school with gardens and playgrounds.
Tel: 650-903-5957 josephine
Veronica School
Sports Program for students of grades 1-3 starts in January!
Woodwork Program starts on January 15 th. Students of grades 4-6 are welcome.
Tel: 650-968-0986 veronica
Winifred School
Group classes in art are offered every day. Nice an experienced teachers are waiting for you.
Monthly shows and weekly classes with guest artists. Art Program is only for begin


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