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4 级试题 A 及参考答案
Band Four (A)
2025. 6
Paper One
PartI. Listening Comprehension (20%)
Section A
Directions :In this section, you will hear 10 short
conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will
be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the
question will be spoken only once.
After each question there will be a pause. During the pause,
you must read the four choices
marked A), B), C), and D) and decide which is the best answer.
Then mark the corresponding
letter with a single line through the center.
Example: You will hear: M: Is it possible for you to work late,
Miss Grey?
W: Work late? I suppose so, if you really think it ' s necessary.
Q: Where do you think this conversation most probably took
You will read: A) At an office.
B) In a waiting room.
C) At an airport.
D) In a restaurant.
From the conversation we know that the two were talking
about some work they had tofinish in the
evening. This is most likely to have taken place at an office.
Therefore, A) “ At the office ”is the best answer. You should : .
through the center.
1. A. She doesn ' t want her boyfriend to give her a car.
B. Her boyfriend has a lot of money.
C. The man ought to lend some money to her boyfriend.
D. Her boyfriend was making fun of the man.
2. A. 4:00. B. 4:. 4:15. D. 4:20.
3. A. He is going to change his job. B. He isn ' t doing well
with his work.
C. He is doing pretty well now.
D. He doesn ' t like his work.
4. A. In the city. B. In the country. C. Near his company. D.
Near the town.
5. A. He hasn ' t seen it. B. He liked it better than Jaws.
C. He thought Star Wars was not as good as Jaws.
D. He didn 't like it.
6. A. Typing a proposal. B. Writing a proposal.
C. Posti ng a proposal.
D. Check ing a proposal.
7. A. Follow the doctor ' s adB/iFirget to take any pills.
C. Take five pills.
D. Take two pills.
8. A. The woman didn ' t hear the man come in.
B. The woman pretended to be deaf when the man came in.
C. The woman didn ' t mind the man ' s disturbing her.
D. The woman asked the man to get home early next time.
9. A. Three times. B. Two times. C. Five times. D. Eight times.
10. A. 6. B. 12. C. 10. D. 18.
Sectio n B Compou nd Dictation (10%)
Directions :ln this sect ion, you will hear a passage three times. : .
the passage is read for the first time, you should listen
carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the
second time, you are
required to fill in the blanks numbered from S1 to S7 with the
exact words you have just heard.
For blanks numbered from S8 to S10 you are required to fill
in the miss ing in formati on. You can
either use the exact words you have just heard or write dow
n the main points in your own words.
Fin ally, whe n the passage is read for the third time, you
should check what you have writte n.
People over the age of 65 in the . are called senior citize
ns. Life for these people is more differe nt tha n for (S1) America
ns. Most senior citize ns retire, or no (S _ work full time. Also it is
(S3) for people of this age to (S4) with their children and gra
ndchildre n. (S5) te nd to live in their own houses or (S6) away
from their families.
For many senior citize ns, the years after 65 are n ot (S7).
They feel un productive whe n they no Ion ger work. In additi on,
they may feel l onely being away from their families and the con
tacts they had in their work. Moreover, (S8)
Other senior citize ns enjoy their lives. They feel free to do
thi ngs they were not able to do when they were working and
raising families. They now have time to enjoy hobbies and sports
and travel. Many senior citizens move to retirement communities
located in warm climates. (S9)
The nu mber of senior citize ns in the . is in creas ing
rapidly because people are livi ng
Ion ger than before. (S10)
Their concerns are receiv ing a wider audie nee tha n ever : .
to beco ming senior citize ns.
Part II. Reading Comprehension (40%)
Directions: Read the following passages carefully and do the
multiple-choice questions.
50,000 people work at Disney' largest theme park, Walt
Disney World in Qrlando, Florida. Do all of them like the job?
One Disney worker explains how cast are given
jobs according to their age and appeara nee.
For example: Young and pretty workers get jobs where they
will in teract a lot with customers; Anyone who might seem less
presentable”work on the night shift, from 11 . to 7 .
Mike Cohen, a Disney worker and a trade union activist, says
that most Disney workers don 'stay with the compa ny for very
long. You can make $10 per hour if you are here for 10 years, but
because so many people leave, two-thirds of the workers at the
park make $ hour or less. ” Disney has not in creased its
start ing wage for 5 years. Disney claims that it offers competitive ”
salaries. But Cohen doesn 'agree. Disney is planning to expand
and will n eed about 10,000 new workers-but about 75% of the
new jobs will also be low paid.
Cohe n is also un happy about the way people have to work
at Disney World. 'We have to push as many tourists through each
side as we can. I 'm supposed to han dle 2,000 visitors an hour. It
'just like a factory with assembly-li ne product ion, only this is a
compa ny is the nu mber of people who are processed through
each side; if the nu mber is too small, the man ageme nt compla
ins to the workers. But he says that you n ever hear the man : .
Disney workers also have to smile all the time. Even when
customers are rude (which happe ns every day ), the workers
must keep smili ng. Cohe n says: We are supposed to make
eye con tact, greet each and every guest