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上传人:知识徜徉土豆 2025/2/27 文件大小:30 KB





文档介绍:该【关于课余生活的英语作文 】是由【知识徜徉土豆】上传分享,文档一共【5】页,该文档可以免费在线阅读,需要了解更多关于【关于课余生活的英语作文 】的内容,可以使用淘豆网的站内搜索功能,选择自己适合的文档,以下文字是截取该文章内的部分文字,如需要获得完整电子版,请下载此文档到您的设备,方便您编辑和打印。关于课余生活的英语作文

  I’d like to make full use of my spare time. Usually I would do three things in my spare time, reading, playing basketball, and serfing the Interet, which are three of my deepest passions.
  Reading is one of my favorite ways to my spare time. However I don’t like reading books at home. I prefer to read them in the library. We have a community library down the street. It’s small but has a huge collection of books. I would go there on weekend afternoons checking what’s new in the library and sitting in the reading room to read some of the best magazines and newspapers around the world. The warm and sweet afternoon sunshine accompanied by the smell of books,reading has certainly become one of the best ways for me to spend my spare time.
  Don’t mistake me as some book-hunger person. I’m sporty too. I love to play basketball with my friends during the weekend. We usually paly 3 to 3. It helps me a lot on getting the essence of team work and assists me to be a better leader while I’m doing my school projects.
  Internet has become a major media in recent years. My passion for Internet serfing has been growing stronger and stronger. At night when I
’m not studying, I would go online and chat with my friends and other people from all over the world, learning different cultures and knowing the big world out there. I would also like to check out the employers who are hiring and try to find a job.
  Basicallly, that’s how I spend most of my spare time. Reading is a good way to absorb knowledge and become familiar with news events. Playing basketball with friends helps me on building team working skills and interpersonal skills. Serfing on the Internet exposes me to the world’s different cultures and different people that come from different backgrounds.
  Totay was a beautiful day. Because I went to Sanya with my family. The weather was sunny and hot. We dicided to go to the beach near our hotal. My sister and I went swimming. It was so excllent.
  For lunch, we ate some sea food. It was very delicious. In the afternoon. We went to the museum. The museum was big and interesting. We saw some robots. Ie was so cool! We took quite a few photos there. And then, we bought something for my grandparent.
  I like this place because the people were friendly.

  My life after school is of colour and variety , get on the Internet ,read a book , paint painting . These all are that I am fond of the
thing composing after school.
  Getting on the Internet is my delighted thing. I like a net looking at English animated cartoon , primary and secondary school students composition etc., there are a lot of knowledge being at school short of in classroom on net. Reading a book is one of my delighted thing. I tell you what! The book I am liked to look at very many , has: The encyclopaedia , the big
  mound decline to laugh at biography , our for loving science , the cartoon book. Have painted painting being the thing that my amateur life cant be seprated from most. Our studio has turned on a website, your work being able to see me in there. I like to have drawn mermaid most. Because of she is very beautiful lovable. Is schoolmates , your life after school the woollen cloth how to arrange for? You also can be trying writing your life after school ,exchange an once coming us!
  As I am in primary school now, I have class from Monday to Friday, so I am busy with my study, I don
’t have much time to play. My life after class is enriched, one the one hand, I need to finish my homework, this is the first thing I need to do, only when I finish my homework, will I go to play with my friends happily.
  On the other hand, I will ask my friends to go out for fun or I just stay at my bedroom to play computer games. I am so satisfied with myself, because I study hard and play hard. As a student, I need to study, at the same time, I also need to enjoy my childhood.

  Totay was a beautiful day. Because I went to Sanya with my family. The weather was sunny and hot. We dicided to go to the beach near our hotal. My sister and I went swimming. It was so excllent. For lunch, we ate some sea food. It was very delicious. In the afternoon. We went to the museum. The museum was big and interesting.
  We saw some robots. Ie was so cool! We took quite a few photos there. And then, we bought something for my grandparent. I like this place because the people were friendly.