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文档介绍:该【教育专业毕业生英文求职信 】是由【知识徜徉土豆】上传分享,文档一共【3】页,该文档可以免费在线阅读,需要了解更多关于【教育专业毕业生英文求职信 】的内容,可以使用淘豆网的站内搜索功能,选择自己适合的文档,以下文字是截取该文章内的部分文字,如需要获得完整电子版,请下载此文档到您的设备,方便您编辑和打印。教育专业毕业生英文求职信
Dear Mr Vice—Chancellor:
Hello! I am a XX year XX Chemical College graduates, graduating in a time when all I have to do a good job of preparation, there is sufficient confidence and capacity to engage in teaching and research work in chemistry。 Sincerely hope that your school can teach, in effect you are under。
Comparison of the character I cheerful, straightforward man, peace love love love爱闹laugh, but able to get things done in a serious sense of responsibility, and thinking more active, with a strong sense of innovation and capabilities。
While studying at the school, majoring in chemistry and chemical with the curriculum and teaching—related experiments, the optional education, psychology, philosophy, the legal basis for such courses, a serious effort to learn, excellent results。 Teaching practice, the active—depth classes, the careful study of teaching, with an open mind to seek division, made rapid progress in education by teachers and students alike, outstanding internship performance。
I am quite confident that their abilities, he directed and starred piece
“youthful dream to fly,” drama “Memory of Youth”, also organized dance with my classmates had a rehearsal “happy home”, “Chashan love”, “Hongmei Chan, “and so on, also participated in dance competitions like school performance; I actively participate in school activities association training, also own the” Changchun Evening News “part—time clerk, in—depth community, the feelings of a lot; St。 Paul, I have to create “dusty studio,” Contact tutor for students to work to taste the hardships of the pioneering joy and success。 After I contacted by phone to Zhejiang Pinghu internship, during the visit of the Soviet Union, hang two states, after Beijing, Shanghai, Dalian stop when they are, a simple march—site inspection, as a graduate to choose a reference direction。 I am a brave people who dare to do, like at the moment, I think of their own future, are also doing their own efforts。
Make a good teacher is what I have been ideal; I have high education is people—oriented, individualized education。 Education, teachers, schools should be a service for students。 For all students, for students of all, I would like to use my life energy, carefully nurtured garden peach!
Finally, thank you for your busy schedule to read my自荐信, but also hope to have the opportunity to personally thank you!
XX on XX on XX years


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