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Dear Admissions Officers:
In my capacity as professor with the Law School of Peking
I made my acquaintance with Ms. xxx in early 2xx when she,
University, I deem it a considerable pleasure to offer my most
as an auditor, attended a couple of courses I was delivering in order
unreserved endorsement of Ms. xxx xx who is currently applying
to prepare for the Chinese Bar E xams. With strong motivation and
for entry into your prestigious LLM program. Ms. xxx perfectly e
academic initiative, she studied the courses much more
xemplifies how a student with academic trainings in areas other than
conscientiously than regular students. As a beginner, she was keenly
law can succeed in pursuing excellence in law studies and in
aware of her deficiencies in legal training and was most prepared
developing superb qualities for a legal career through determination,
to make whatever necessary efforts to make up for those deficiencies.
stamina and commitment. She has been passionate about law much more
Indeed, she doubled her efforts in the true sense of the
than anybody else I have seen.
phrasekeeping up with the progression of the course contents while
assimilating necessary foundational knowledge. She did this through
的背书,愿助其一臂之力,胜利进入贵校攻读 LLM 课程。xxx女士完善地
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sheer willpower, reading a considerable number of related books and a contributing member of the class. At one point, I required students
consulting me whenever she had questions about the issues she did not to do a case study on property right and lien. In her presentation,
fully understand. This conscientious attitude was what I appreciated Ms. xxx skillfully applied her knowledge of logichow to support
most. or contradict an argument, how to identify logical fallacies, and
我与xxx女士相识于 2xx年。其时,她作为旁听生,参与了我所讲 how to recognize red herringsto legal issues. As it turned out, her
授的几门课程, 以便预备中国律师资格考试。 剧烈的动机与进取心, 驱使她 compelling logic and sound critical reasoning really distinguished
在学习过程中辛勤付出,其程度远超一般的法学院同学。作为法律初学者, her from her fellow students. She also demonstrated her strong
她深切意识到其法学训练之匮乏,且甘愿加倍努力(从该短语之真正意义上 abilities in discriminating different legal concepts and
而言)一方面紧跟课堂内容的进展,同时不断补充必要的基础学问。凭借着 appropriately applying legal provisions. In the aforesaid Bar E
纯粹的意志力,她胜利地做到了这一点,阅读大量相关书籍。一旦遇到没能 xams that year, Ms. xxx performed e xceedingly well, even
充分理解的问题,就随时向我请教。 对于这一勤勉的学习态度, 我赏识有加。 though it was her very first attempt for such challenging e xams.
Although at first she could not actively participate in group This success fully testifies to her strong intellectual caliber and
discussions, she was obviously dissatisfied with simply listening to to her ability to achieve incessant progress through dedicated
the views and arguments of other students. She tried her best to become self-study. From then on, I no longer entertained any doubt about
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her full potential for academic and professional success in the field trainings while she was still on the job, her achievement was all
of law. the more commendable, which would have been impossible without that
虽然她起初无法活跃地加入到集体争论之中,但看得出来,她并不满意 complete commitment. As a matter of fact, such a commitment has
于仅仅倾听他人的论辩与论点,而要竭力成为班级中有所贡献的一员。授课 characterized her endeavors over the past two years. She would seek
过程中,我曾要求同学就物权与留置权绽开案例分析。在其发言报告中,x my mentoring whenever she encountered legal issues in her work and
xx女士娴熟地将其规律学问应用于法律问题如何支持或反对某一论点,如 as long as she could afford the time she would spend hours traveling
何指出规律漏洞,以及如何识别熏鲱等。随着时间的推移,她严谨的规律, all the way to Peking University to audit my courses. In the due
以及精彩的批判性论证力量,使其真正有别于其他同学。此外,她也呈现出 course, she has laid a solid and comprehensive foundation in all
很强的力量,来辨别各种微妙的法律概念, 并适用恰当的法律条款。 在上述 major fields of law and her persistence, adamant will, and the
所提到的当年那次律师资格考试中, xxx女士的表现甚为优秀, 即使那是 courage to face all challenges are what I see as requisite qualities
她首次参与如此富有挑战性的考试。 这一胜利充分证明白她极高的智力, 以 of any outstanding legal professional.
及通过持之以恒的自学而不断猎取进步的力量。 自那时起, 我对其在法律领 考虑到xxx女士在追求全部这些法律训练时仍是一位在职员工这一
域中获得学术与职业胜利的充分潜能,不再怀有丝毫的疑虑。 事实,她所取得的成就更值得称道。假如没有那种全身心的彻底投入,这
Considering the fact that Ms. xxx pursued all those legal 样的成就断无可能。事实上,这种全身心的投入贯穿于她过去二年中所作