文档介绍:该【2025年第二学期期中考试初一英语试题(含参考答案) 】是由【小屁孩】上传分享,文档一共【18】页,该文档可以免费在线阅读,需要了解更多关于【2025年第二学期期中考试初一英语试题(含参考答案) 】的内容,可以使用淘豆网的站内搜索功能,选择自己适合的文档,以下文字是截取该文章内的部分文字,如需要获得完整电子版,请下载此文档到您的设备,方便您编辑和打印。 : .
子曰:“知者不惑,仁者不忧,勇者不惧。” ——《论语》
河北省邯郸市育华中学 2025-2026········
班级:______ 姓名:______ 考号:______ 得分:______
(每小题 1 分,共 20 分)
isso______ thathe even hasno time tostaywithhischildrenat
A. Safe B. free C. busy D. quiet
kindofyou. I can'twork out themath problem _______your
A. with C. for
big______. Itgetsverynoisyon SportsDay.
D. playground
raisedhisvoicesothatwe couldhearhim_______
C. quietly D. slowly
5.—Who_______ thecomputer?
— I' a moment. Let me surf the Internet tofinditout.
A. willinvent C. isinventing D. invented
1 / 18 : .
6.— What do youthinkof the movies, ZootopiaandThe Lion King?
______ verymuch.
B. Both
7.— Which team do youthink_______thegame ?
— Hard tosay. There arestilltenminutesbeforeitends.
A. won B. iswinning C. willwin D. wins
boycouldn't______a good answer when theteacherasked him.
from into up with D. come back to
of my liketoorderwhat,
A. looks C. feels D. tastes
keep childrensafe,we______ put the things likeknivesand
medicineaway inourhouses.
B. should C. can
11. I liketo make allkinds of piesinthe_______of are
D. shape
''snotrightor politetodo it.
2 / 18 : .
A. talkabout B. thinkabout C. hearabout D. know about
allthenumbers and find out how much money we
up up D. standup
you liketoorder_______ milk?
A. isn't;any 't;some 't;any D. isn't;some
15. — Where isthemorningnewspaper?
—I______itforyou soon.
A. get B. willget C. am getting
16.—Time fordinner, my boy. Pleasetellyour dadthatdinnerisready.
— Wait a minute,mum. My dad______ a phone call.
C. willmake D. ismaking
17.— Oh my god! I______ my keytotheoffice.
— Don'tworry. Icangiveyou anotherone.
B. willlose C. lost D. am losing
18.—Excuse me. Istherea traintoXi'an?
3 / 18 : .
— Yes, it______at11:30 . everyTuesday.
B. left C. isleaving D. willleave
19,— Iheardthatyou gota new job,______.?
— Prettygood. The new jobmade me interestedand happy.
A. What happened toyou what
C. How isitgoing D. What'swrong withyou
20.—Does Jim work harderthisterm?
______Everythingwillbe possibleifhe putshisheartintoit.
A. Good luck B. Ihope so a good time done
Ⅱ.完型填空(每小题 1 分,共 10 分)
Learningsomething new can be a scary(可怕的) I
was young, swimming was 21______ forme, because I was afraidof
water. But I knew swimming was an important_22_______ thatI should
I was 23______when I got tothepool two
other studentscame over. However,they seemed not to______ _24
swimming atall.
Soon the teacher came and began to learned
4 / 18 : .
very_______ 25 andtheteacheraskedtho
were not easy forme,butI didn'tgive
up. After a few weeks, the teacherbegan to teachme the arm strokes
(划 ).Sooner than I thought,thingsbegan tofeel"right"and I could
swim. Itwas a wonderful27 ______— likeflying.
Learning to swim was not easy forme, but 28_______, my hard
work it!I learnswimming and I overcame thefear(克服
恐 惧 ) also understoodsomething about learningthe
same I may feeluncomfortabletobeginwitha new
Iknow thatasI_30______willsucceed(成功).Itiswonderful.
C. hard
. journey C. housework D. level
B. happy
. think of C. worryabout D. lookfor
B. quietly C. loudly D. quickly
D. yourself
. building B. painting C. feeling
. ina hurry theway D. intheend
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吾日三省乎吾身。为人谋而不忠乎?与朋友交而不信乎?传不习乎? ——《论语》
D. wait
(每小题 2 分,共 30 分)
Be thankfulwhen youdon'tknow something.
Because itgivesyouthechance tolearn.
Be thankfulforthedifficulttimes,
During thosetimesyougrow.
Be thankfulforyour weaknesses,
Because theygiveyou chances ofimprovement.
Be thankfulforeach new challenge,
Because itwillletyou become better.
Be thankfulforyour mistakes.
They willteachyou usefullessons.
Be thankfulwhen you're tired,
Because itmeans you may make a difference.
Being thankfulcanturninactive(不积极的)intoactive(积极的)
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Finda way tobe thankfulforyour troubles.
And they are helpfulinyourlife.
canwe infer(推断)from thepoem ?
writerdoesn'thave . The writerisactiveinthelife.
C. The writeris afraidof making . The writer is never
'sthepoem talkingabout?
a lesson. challenge