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文档介绍:该【2025年精编中考缺词填空(含答案) 】是由【小屁孩】上传分享,文档一共【9】页,该文档可以免费在线阅读,需要了解更多关于【2025年精编中考缺词填空(含答案) 】的内容,可以使用淘豆网的站内搜索功能,选择自己适合的文档,以下文字是截取该文章内的部分文字,如需要获得完整电子版,请下载此文档到您的设备,方便您编辑和打印。 : .
Unit 1
A hobby is an interesting way of s 1 your free time. There are so many different
hobbies for different people to c 2 . Some hobbies are very popular, w 3 others
are quite unusual. You may choose one that you are i 4 in. You may enjoy c 5
things, such as stamps, foreign coins and so on. If you like work with your hands, you may enjoy
model making and paper cutting, which both need great attention in detail. Or you may enjoy
creative hobbies, like painting and writing. Many people p 6 outdoor activities to indoor
activities. They get great p 7 from sailing and cycling and so on, which they can enjoy
with others.
Wherever you live, there is always a hobby for you to choose. The hobby can help you r 8
after your daily work. The hobby can give you many hours of pleasure and make your spare time
interesting and c 9 . The hobby can bring happiness, k 10 and friendship.

President Hu Calls For Sound Preparations For Expo
Chinese president Hu Jintao called for sound preparations in the run-up to the Expo 2010
Shanghai China and hoped the success of the event would have positive e 1 on the
global economy.
“The Shanghai World Expo is the s 2 world pageant(庆典) in the country after the
Beijing Olympics. Hosting the event s 3 is very important to promoting our exchanges
and cooperation(交流与合作 ) with other c 4 and regions across the world,” said Hu on
July 15th at an exhibition in Beijing on the Expo.
Hu made the remarks at an exhibition in Beijing’s Capital Museum, which i 5 arti-
Facts, pictures and videos that recorded the 150-year-plus d 6 of the event.
The exhibition also has a section that s 7 preparations for the Expo 2010, which
features a 3-D animated short video of a t 8 of the site and the models of 60 pavilions.
President Hu visited the exhibition along with other senior Chinese l 9 , They praised
the preparations and expressed their t 10 to all the participants.

Unit 2
Today Newtown is a very clean place. Many years ago, h 1 , there were millions of
rats in Newtown. They a 2 the cat and dogs. Sometimes a great n 3 of them
knocked down a man or woman w 4 home at night. The rats were very large in a 5
and they hurt many people.
: .
The government ordered everyone to kill rats. Most people were lazy, so they did not kill many.
Then the government p 6 to pay some money for each dead rat. It made the people very
h 7 . they k 8 thousands of rats every day. A government officer put the dead
rats in a big pile. Sometimes a man b 9 hundreds in one day.
After two weeks there were not many rats in the city, but people s 10 brought many
rats to the government office. The government officer thought that people were stealing dead rats
from the pile. He ordered his men to dig a deep hole and put the rats in it. Soon there were no
more rats, and the government did not pay any more money.

I was on my way to the Taiyetos mountains. The sun was going down when my car b 1
down near a f 2 village. I was thinking about my bad l 3 and didn’t know where I
was going to spend the night when the villagers came up to me, a 4 me to going to the
houses of their o 5 as if I were their best guest. Finally I went into an old woman’s home.
She lived alone in a little house. While I was having a rest, the villagers took my car with their cows
to a n 6 car repair shop.
I had noticed there were three hens walking in the garden that evening but only two was left a
7 later. One of them was on my dinner table in that evening. Other villagers brought me a
lot of food to eat. Although I didn’t know their language, we drank happily together till far into the
night. The f 8 day the villagers brought back my car.
When the t 9 came for me to say goodbye to my friends in the village, I wanted to
give some money to the kind old woman, as I gave her so much trouble, she got a 10 and
said she couldn’t take the money.

Unit 3
Alfred Nobel, the great Swedish inventor and industrialist, was born in Stockholm on October
21th, 1833, but moved to Russia with his parents in 1842, where his father, Immanuel, made a
strong position for h 1 in the engineering industry. Immanuel Nobel invented landmine
and made a lot of money from the g 2 during the Crimean War, but went bankrupt soon
after. Then , the family r 3 to Sweden in 1859, where Alfred began his own s 4 of
explosive in his father’s lab. He had never been to school or university but had t 5 himself,
and by the time he was twenty, he became a skillful chemist and e 6 linguist, speaking
Swedish, Russian, German, French and English. He b 7 up over 80 companies in 20
different countries. He was always searching for a meaning to life. He spent much time and money
working on how to e 8 the wars, and the peace between nations, until his death in Italy in
1896. His famous last will, in which he left money to p 9 prizes for outstanding work in
physics, chemistry, physiology, medicine, literature and peace, is a memorial to his interests and
ideas. And so, the man is r 10 and respected long after his death.

: .

Venice is the “Queen” of the Adriatic Sea. Every year t 1 of people visit the city. w 2
do they go there? Because Venice is a beautiful city. There are no r 3 in the city so there
aren’t any cars or buses. There are canals. There is one big canal and 177 small o 4 .
People move up and down the canals in b 5 . But Venice is sinking and the w 6 is
going up. In 2040 Venice will be u 7 water. The Adriatic sea will c 8 the city. The
Venetians love their city and they want to stay there. They want to save Venice f 9 the sea.
How can they do that? They can put some gates in the sea. The gates will close so Venice will not s
10 .

Unit 4
Today supermarkets are f 1 in most large cities, but it was only 69 years ago that a man
c 2
Michael Cullen o 3 the first one in New York.
A supermarket is different from other stores in several ways. In a supermarket, goods are placed
on open
s 4 . The customers help themselves to what they want to buy and take them to the
check-out counter.
This means f 5 workers are needed.
Another d 6 is that in front of the check-out counter are cheaper things like candies,
Magazines, ect. Why they put them there? Well, most customers buy from a shopping list. They
pick up what they really need to buy. Yet when they come to the check-out counter, they are glad
to get the shopping done and feel r 7 . At the counter, many may feel like b 8
something just for fun.
Besides all this, many shopping centers have a big p 9 space and they close late in the
evening. This makes shopping e 10 for working mothers.
Men sometimes say, “We are better and cleverer than women. Women never invent things. We
do.” It is t 1 that men have invented a lot of useful things: machines, radios and guns, too. But
scientists now a 2 that women invented one very important thing. It has changed history.
They invented agriculture. Before invention of agriculture, men were h 3 . They went out