文档介绍:该【广西桂林市、河池市、防城港市2025届高三下学期联合调研考试英语试卷(含答案) 】是由【小屁孩】上传分享,文档一共【23】页,该文档可以免费在线阅读,需要了解更多关于【广西桂林市、河池市、防城港市2025届高三下学期联合调研考试英语试卷(含答案) 】的内容,可以使用淘豆网的站内搜索功能,选择自己适合的文档,以下文字是截取该文章内的部分文字,如需要获得完整电子版,请下载此文档到您的设备,方便您编辑和打印。 : .
士不可以不弘毅,任重而道远。仁以为己任,不亦重乎?死而后已,不亦远乎? ——《论语》
广西桂林市、河池市、防 2025 届高三下学期联合调研考试英
Tokyo has a great range of cafes, but many don't offer free wireless
Internet access or power outlets( 电源插座 ). So, for the benefit of
those looking for free Wi-Fi, here are our top spots in the Japanese
Coffee Valley
Coffee Valley is a small coffee shop. While the first floor has limited
seating, there are outlets for each seat. If you don't need to charge,
the second floor is much more spacious with an area that can
accommodate groups of up to four people. They also have a good
selection of snacks to accompany your coffee.
Date: Open daily.
Time: 8 . —8 .(From 9 . on weekends).
Location: A five-minute walk from the east exit of Ikebukuro
10° Cafe
10° Cafe is the perfect place for early birds. For some peace and
quiet, work on the second floor. At 10° Cafe, each seat has power
outlets while their counter seats offer a great view of the : .
surrounding neighborhood. Their menu prices before 11 . offer
discounted breakfast.
Date: Daily (Closed every third Sunday of the month).
Time: 7:30 . —9 .
Location: A five-minute walk from Takadanobaba Station.
Good Sound Coffee
Come for the coffee, and stay for their music selection. Good
Sound Coffee is a friendly neighborhood cafe close to Nakameguro
Station. There are indoor and outdoor seats and plenty of outlets.
It might get crowded on the weekends, and the cafe offers
discounts on food items.
Date: Daily.
Time: 8 . —11 .
Location: A three-minute walk from the east exit of Nakameguro
Valley Park Stand
Valley Park Stand opens from early in the morning to late in the
evening. There are public tables with power outlets. It's spacious
with lots of natural light a few steps away from the Miyashita Park.
There is a decently sized menu with tea, coffee and various
sandwiches and bites.
Date: Daily. : .
Time: 8 . —10 .
Location: A few minutes' walk from Miyashita Park.
1、What is the special part of 10° Cafe
A. It opens to the late night. B. It has one day off each month.
C. It offers different delicious snacks. D. It's not far from the
Ikebukuro Station.
2、Which cafe is friendly to music lovers
A. 10° Cafe. B. Coffee Valley.
C. Valley Park Stand. D. Good Sound Coffee.
3、What do 10° Cafe and Good Sound Coffee have in common
A. Customers can get food at a cheaper price during a certain
B. Customers can enjoy various snacks.
C. Customers can still drink coffee at 10 . in the cafes.
D. Customers can get easy access to Nakameguro Station.
On my 70th birthday, in September 2019, I decided to participate
in 70 different sports before I turned 71. The motivation Simply to
have some fun. Athleticism, after all, does not end at some
arbitrary( 任意的 ) age.
Shortly after my 70th birthday, I took a crack at paddle-boarding.
Family members were greatly entertained, watching me first try to
get on the board, then stand on the board and finally fall into the : .
water before trying all over again. Lesson learnt: Perseverance pays
off. Eventually I stood, I balanced and I paddled. An early success.
Winter sports brought their own challenges. A pick-up game of
hockey resulted in the odd collision. The quality of play was hardly
inspirational, but it was certainly fun. Then came the attempt to
teach myself the basics of figure skating. It left me falling flat on
the ice, my elbow and knee aching. I refused to give up. If at first
you don't succeed, try, try again, which I called self-discipline.
However, the outbreak of COVID-19 shut down most of my city,
which became a setback to my70-at-70 goal. By then I had tried
nearly 35 sports. Individual sports would have to be the order of
the day: Running, jumping, walking. For track, I built my own high
jump and hurdles. Athletics does not have to be complicated.
There were some health advantages, too, to all the exercise I was
getting. Each activity triggered endorphins that brought an
immediate high. Over the longer term came the realisation that
dreams are important, regardless of how far-fetched or unrealistic
they might seem. As youngsters we dream of playing in the big
leagues or participating in the Olympics. As we age, our hopes and
dreams change, but one should never let them disappear. We need
something to look forward to; what's better than to wake up each
morning knowing there is a game to play : .
4、What lesson did the author learn from paddle –boarding
A. Having some fun. B. Having perseverance.
C. Mastering any of the sports. D. Being entertained.
A. Experience. B. Barrier. C. Breakthrough. D. Option.
6、What is the author's dream in his 70s
A. Taking a crack at paddle-boarding. B. Playing in the big leagues.
C. Participating in the Olympics. D. Having a game to play.
7、Which statement may the author agree with
A. One can only get fun from sports.
B. One cannot dream big as they age.
C. One can be prevented from sports at any arbitrary age.
D. One can never lose hopes and dreams regardless of age.
What do you do with a book once you've read it Maybe you keep it
for someone else in your family to read, or leave it on a bookshelf
to read again another day. As you grow older, though, you often
outgrow( 年纪过大而不适于 ) your books.
Recycling your old books means you give them to another person,
family or group, instead of leaving them to take up space and get
dusty. This means that the books you love can be enjoyed by
others too. Recycling and giving away your books can be helpful in
lots of ways. People will discover new reads and authors they didn't : .
know about. Books can sometimes be expensive, so it also helps
people and families who can't afford to buy them. When a person
gets to read a variety of authors, styles and subjects, it can help
them to develop a love of books, boost their confidence in reading
and writing and improve their health and happiness. If you take
part in a book-recycling scheme, you can pick up new reads too.
Having your imagination taken away by the power of a fascinating
book is a great way to relax, have fun, visit different worlds and
forget about things that may be worrying you. Reading introduces
you to new words, inspiring ideas and fascinating facts.
The Children's Book Project is a charity that recycles books (in
good condition) and passes them on to places like schools and
children's centres. When you donate books, they are cleaned and
sorted into age groups and reading levels. Liberty Venn from the
your books and know that someone will enjoy them as much as
you did. At the Children's Book Project we help to extend the life of