文档介绍:该【辽师大版英语四年级下册Unit11单元测试卷原卷版 】是由【海洋里徜徉知识】上传分享,文档一共【2】页,该文档可以免费在线阅读,需要了解更多关于【辽师大版英语四年级下册Unit11单元测试卷原卷版 】的内容,可以使用淘豆网的站内搜索功能,选择自己适合的文档,以下文字是截取该文章内的部分文字,如需要获得完整电子版,请下载此文档到您的设备,方便您编辑和打印。四年级下册Unit11 单元测试
1. A. superB. beautifulC. children
2. A. playB. makeC. picture
3. A. whatB. writeC. who
4. A. eyesB. planesC. ears
5. A. drawB. ChineseC. English
6. 谁是我们班超级棒的?( )
A. Who is super in our school?
B. Who is super in our class?
7. 他能把中文说得很好。( )
AHe can speak English well.
B. He can speak Chinese well.
8. 他会做什么?( )
A. What can he do?
B. What can she do?
9. 她会做许多事情( )
A. She can do many things.
B. She can do it well.
10. 他会弹吉他。( )
A. He can play the piano.
B. He can play the guitar.
11. Nick is my good friend. He can play ________ (the; /) chess well.
12. My brother can make model ________ (planes / plane).
13. What ________ (is / can) he do?
14. Who can ________ (draw / play) pictures in our class?
15. Linda can play ________ (the; /) piano.
16. you Can jump
17. She chess play can
18. Chinese well She can speak
19is in class our Who super
20make can planes He model
I have a happy can do a lot of things. My father can _____21_____. My mother can _____22_____. My brother can _____23_____. My sister can _____24_____. I can _____25_____.
I love them very much.