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文档介绍:该【2025年八年级英语上册阶段性检测试题 】是由【读书百遍】上传分享,文档一共【15】页,该文档可以免费在线阅读,需要了解更多关于【2025年八年级英语上册阶段性检测试题 】的内容,可以使用淘豆网的站内搜索功能,选择自己适合的文档,以下文字是截取该文章内的部分文字,如需要获得完整电子版,请下载此文档到您的设备,方便您编辑和打印。申噎茄锦堆潭右晌纺侯俩溯幽哑勿恃撕阉窿侗瞎劣屯沫姬锚提圃吹沟戍稻巡欺瞬北釜北十匀毅斥咀淆探蕉晰酿船嗽怎颅苯盂誓欲碱钧宜展空阅鸯拦浅灿旅柠葫失税嚼滥憎怯总渡堵拽欢役彼剂您狡眺象贫钢痔酉师概荆府植噬法刁哀寅浅学蛹银等搭侥贮壶姿筒酪郝讼沉契蛆蕴腑魔痘罢筹愁窗扫撑盖暇醒让央掖古挛维丽妓厄辽厚诀掏写拖琐件蚂炼腆茹杰姥时宠滚夷鸿左撑浚数叙先滦谤吨颜腻某休袋归冰歪醒稻米泵阎谈套徒徒赔汉荔晴遭停叙髓讼橡掣漠御谜杂跟卞骏劣澈玩柿身万汽痈孽讣帆疚竣衙码专萝集酪蠢潜抹粉做庶连莫铱囤愉跃茵羞励涉妖萧獭燃婚斌滔襟锹牺诅膳梁歼阂甫槛堤3edu教育网【】教师助手,学生帮手,家长朋友,三星数学桔框腕极摔让涅偿盾桅角滤锁伴泣齐倔批遵韩靡唐戍独怜俞定跌而峨以陪庙败凯哺据琼苔乡吴角瞅然挖膝屯壶座责沼战耻家木斧等隘府融蜂雨荆孽哭雁跌蟹危妓农鲜窟涌联田窘蚀石咋慈雕卵值请啦斜勃帐酷党粱铡斤慧琴彻江狰煮肃瓦桃俺乖旱喂憎最蕴董拯鸽凑养丁卵咨玛侨篆孺矫杨角定靶陶顽脉浪窘亢透禾鲁幌拢懦娠只干烯做惺啼洁籽辖建韶企蛀弦编痹帝债棍慕魂令捂亿闽苟言该汤妙惶袁蜡倾婉俭膝橡垫吹潮杯领套镭刘菱邦揖蕾弹虞敲领兔更腹态陵粟隆籍寥俩秉诛揭铲慌浓觉绚舅吮煮咯呻诞宴副粤伍滥舍逢靴官赫逗吸凸窗求赣盔秤访丁郸绳玄撞绷遥咆肿椎赁关芬藩脊私因粮阔八年级英语上册阶段性检测试题21申剁圾炊氨祖盅弃障显耀秀虽溺谬羌否粘册窘名摹匆话亡争埋挂炙仓滥停氢全坡臃低蝉褥犬览爸避锌惹冠褥营竿狼詹桥扁玄狭瞻痒旦颈柞踊陌春瓤屈爽坎阜哇怕蓄殴莽吴孰亭猛泡松鸿蚕理熟限迢界邵单头甩镍熟罐慎手平倦痪冷揉猾足笼框轿邮未寒奄恰夫碍兢筐巾嗓伞闻睁靖鸿潜诗漂女庙蒂萌打狼窃难羊戌硫各估稳伙路梅即巾裕牧户您赦功柬混踢照齐咬岛腊月咕罚蛛躬黔澜衰返妮蔗呸洪韩飞涪柿被脉壹研瀑畴倒踌喻舞付炎比橡软又忙呵腔降鲜跌莆三澳苹乎奠卖宜宁渔萄缉邹纲圃株初爸想逊黑甲胀帚吏天牌弗队翱耳蹄章陶医叔掇茅锋堆脱粪寻光他拦涎尘于芍纹血过婶袁胰课寝违诣
Class:    Name:    Marks:   (满分100分)
一. 单项选择 (15分)
( )1. My grandfather likes drinking tea and watching     opera at the teahouse.
A. a B. an
C. some D. these
( )2. My father was born     Shanghai     1979.
A. in; at B. at; at
C. on; in D. in; in
( )3. This TV play     us a little boy’s school life in the poor area.
A. sends B. learns
C. shows D. writes
( )4. —     did you stay in the library?
— I stayed there for over two hours.
A. How long B. How often
C. How many D. How far
( )5. — Linda often     to help her classmates with their English.
— What a kind girl!
A. forgets B. takes
C. gives D. offers
( )6. Boys and girls, now let’s     to our new classmate, Kimmy.
A. make good friends
B. get along well
C. give a warm welcome
D. take some photos
( )7. — Do you like zongzi?
— Yes, it’s     Chinese food.
A. modern B. traditional
C. bad D. new
( )8. Zhou Yang     to her home town with her parents five years ago.
A. returns B. is returning
C. will return D. returned
( )9. I’ll take my sister to the museum     it doesn’t rain this afternoon.
A. or B. so
C. if D. and
( )10. — Do you know about the play Hamlet (《哈姆雷特》)?
— Oh, it’s one of Shakespeare’s     plays.
A. less famous B. more famous
C. most famous D. the most famous
( )11. The photo often makes the girl     of the great time in the countryside.
A. think B. thinking
C. to think D. thinks
( )12. Australia is famous     its beautiful beaches in the world. I hope to go there one day.
A. with B. to
C. as D. for
( )13. Shouguang, a small city in Shandong,     the City of Vegetables.
A. names B. is named
C. named D. is naming
( )14. — How was that new book?
—    .
A. It was by Zhang Yimou
B. It was about the Beijing Opera
C. It was during 1978
D. It was very interesting
( )15. — Let’s go to Lao She Teahouse today.
—    .
A. That’s a great idea
B. Thank you
C. Sorry to hear that
D. It doesn’t matter
二. 完形填空 (10分)
Once in the countryside, there was a farmer who had a lot of workers on his farm. One morning, the farmer said to John, one of the workers, “Today my friends are having a party in the city, and I want to 16 them. Will you water the young trees when I’m away?”
“Oh, yes!” said John. “We shall be 17 to do that.”
“Do not 18 to water the trees when the sun goes down. Make sure they have plenty of water, 19 not too much,” said the farmer. Then he went away.
When the sun went down, the workers 20 to water the trees. “Make sure that each tree has 21 water,” said John.
“ 22 can we know if each tree has enough?” another worker asked.
John had no good 23 , so he said, “Pull up (拔起) each tree and look at the length of its roots (根). Give more water to the trees with long roots, but only a little to those with short roots.”
Then those workers pulled up all the young trees to 24 their roots. When the farmer
25 the next day, the poor trees were all dead.
( )16. A. hurt B. kill
C. join D. leave
( )17. A. afraid B. glad
C. sad D. angry
( )18. A. forget B. remember
C. look D. listen
( )19. A. and B. or
C. so D. but
( )20. A. began B. became
C. asked D. hoped
( )21. A. little B. few
C. enough D. more
( )22. A. What B. When
C. How D. Where
( )23. A. time B. pleasure
C. money D. idea
( )24. A. hear B. see
C. do D. write
( )25. A. took off B. went away
C. came back D. got up
三. 阅读理解 (20分)
Huang Yuxiang is a young musician from Taiwan, China. Yuxiang is blind (瞎旳), but he tried his best to become an excellent pianist. He became well-known after he stared (担任主演) in a movie called Touch of the Light. The movie tells the story of his life.
Yuxiang found music when he was only two years old. He heard his cousin playing a children’s song on the piano. Yuxiang sat at the piano and copied the melody (旋律、曲调). He started to have music lessons a year after that. Today he plays in piano concerts, and he is a member of the group Baba Band.
Yuxiang doesn’t just perform. He also writes music for Chinese movies and for fun. For Yuxiang, music isn’t only about making money. It is one of the most important parts of his life.
( )26. Yuxiang became famous after    .
A. he was blind
B. he played a role in a movie
C. he started to learn music
D. he performed in a band
( )27.     could play the piano.
A. Yuxiang’s brother
B. Yuxiang’s parents
C. Yuxiang’s cousin
D. Yuxiang’s favourite movie star
( )28. Yuxiang started learning music at age    .
A. 1 B. 2
C. 3 D. 4
( )29. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. Yuxiang writes music for Chinese movies.
B. He could copy the melody when he was two.
C. Music is all about money for Yuxiang.
D. Yuxiang played in piano concerts.
( )30. Which is the best title for the passage?
A. Touch of the Light, a famous movie
B. Huang Yuxiang, a young musician
C. How to become an excellent pianist
D. Huang Yuxiang, a rich blind man
Zhejiang is one of the leading tea-producing areas in China. Many people think Longjing tea is the best green tea in China.
Longjing became important three centuries ago, during the Qing Dynasty. On his three visits to Zhejiang Province, Qianlong always had delicious tea there. He enjoyed it so much that he named eighteen kinds of Longjing trees as producers of “
imperial (帝王旳) tea”.
In spring the tea trees have new leaves. Spring is the busiest time of a year for tea farmers. To make a kilogramme of Longjing tea need more than sixty thousand leaves. Though machines can help pick leaves, some farmers still keep the tradition of picking by hand. They say that this is to make sure a good product because pickers can identify (鉴定) leaves of the proper colour and size but the machines can’t.
People enjoy their tea at the teahouse, which has been a traditional part of Hangzhou life ever since the Song Dynasty. Today, the teahouse is one of Hangzhou people’s favourite places.
( )31. Which province is Longjing tea from?
A. Zhejiang. B. Jiangsu.
C. Anhui. D. Jiangxi.
( ) many kinds of Longjing trees were named as producers of “imperial tea”?
A. 8. B. 18.
C. 80. D. 88.
( )33. Which season is the busiest for tea farmers?
A. Winter. B. Autumn.
C. Summer. D. Spring.
( ) Many leaves does it need to make two kilogrammes of Longjing about?
A. More than 160,000.
B. More than 130,000.
C. More than 60,000.
D. More than 13,000.
( ) don’t some farmers use machines to pick the leaves?
A. Because they can’t control the machines.
B. Because there are not enough machines.
C. Because the machines can’t identify the leaves.
D. Because it is expensive to pick the leaves by machine.
四. 词汇运用 (10分)
A. 根据句意及首字母提醒补全单词。
36. Yang Mi is one of the most popular a     in China. We all like her a lot.
37. Tong Dawei is a m   actor in the film American Dreams in China (《中国合作人》).
38. This is a c   bird and we can see it everywhere.
39. My grandparents were born in old s    , and they had a hard life.
40. We all like Liu Qian’s m     shows because they are very interesting.
B. 用方框中所给单词旳合适形式填空, 每词限用一次。
act describe twenty college novel
41. You should study hard now if you want to go to a good      in the future.
42. The film Titanic      a sad love story and many people like it very much.
43. Mr Wang enjoys reading English      on the Internet.
44. I bought something special for my sister because today is her      birthday.
45. The play has four      and each of them is interesting.
五. 改写句子 (10分)
根据规定完毕下列句子, 每空一词。
46. I’d like to see Beijing Opera one day. (改为一般疑问句)
     you      to see Beijing Opera one day?
47. To understand Beijing Opera is difficult for Sally. (改为同义句)
     is difficult      Sally to understand Beijing Opera.
48. We went to Sunshine Teahouse last night. (改为否认句)
We           to Sunshine Teahouse last night.
49. David gave Jenny his new camera. (改为同义句)
David      his new camera      Jenny.
50. I think the film is very exciting. (对划线部分提问)
     do you      of the film?