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文档介绍:该【2025年AcontrastiverhetoricRhetoricalStudyofDiscourseStructureinChineseandEnglishNewsReports英 】是由【非学无以广才】上传分享,文档一共【23】页,该文档可以免费在线阅读,需要了解更多关于【2025年AcontrastiverhetoricRhetoricalStudyofDiscourseStructureinChineseandEnglishNewsReports英 】的内容,可以使用淘豆网的站内搜索功能,选择自己适合的文档,以下文字是截取该文章内的部分文字,如需要获得完整电子版,请下载此文档到您的设备,方便您编辑和打印。Classified Index:
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ID. No: Z101301510
A contrastive rhetoric Rhetorical Study of Discourse Structure in Chinese and English News Reports

Dissertation in part fulfillment of the degree of Bachelor of Arts
GAO Hairu
. ZHOU Ying
Sub Institution:
School of Foreign Languages
Hebei University of Science and Technology
摘 要
关键词: 篇章构造;卡普兰假说;对比修辞构造理论
A host of scholars have been dedicated to exploring discourse features of English and Chinese texts and trying to find out the differences. Kaplan's classical study of "Cultural Thought Patterns in Inter-Cultural Education”has opened up a new route of contrastive rhetoric study, although his hypothesis that English discourse pattern features linearity while Oriental discourse pattern features circularity is disputable.
Since then, many scholars follow the Kaplan's research ideas delve further into the differences between English and Chinese discourse structure and refine the comparative study of the entry point. This paper in reference to previous research thinking and the obtained results based on, according to the contrastive rhetoric structure theory, in economic review texts as the corpus of English and Chinese discourse structure similarities and differences for analysis and discussion. Articles in English and Chinese text structure and rhetoric in some aspects differences do exist, but these differences were not significant conclusions are drawn..
(1) Are there any significant differences of discourse pattern between Chinese and English articles?
(2) Does Kaplan's hypothesis hold true in Chinese and English economic texts?
At the end of the paper, the author proposes that the results of the study can be applied to the teaching of news translation and writing.
Key Words: discourse pattern, Kaplan' s Hypothesis, Rhetorical Structural Theory,
This work is original and has not been submitted in support
any degree qualification or course.
I feel grateful to all the teachers and students who have provided assistance to me in the process of writing this thesis.
Firstly, I would like to show sincere gratitude to my supervisor professor Zhou Ying, it is her patient modification and constant advices that guide me to finish this thesis. At the same time, I get a lot in the process of writing this thesis. I know more about English major’s graduation thesis and have a further knowledge of the application of textual function in English discourse.
Secondly, my sincere thanks also goes to all my teachers who have taught me, for their instructive lectures in linguistic studies have greatly influenced my research.
Finally, I also give my special thanks to my roommates and classmates who have helped and encouraged me about my study.

摘 要 iii
Abstract iv
Contents vii
I. Introduction 1
Background of the Research 1
Research Questions and Its Significance 1
II. Literature Review 3
The contrastive rhetoric Rhetoric Study 3
Discourse Structure 4
The Information Model 5
The Point Position 5
III. Research Methodology 7
Research Questions 7
Data Collection 7
Data Analysis 8
IV. Results, Findings and Discussions 9
Contrastive Rhetoric Researches between English and Chinese Discourse 9
General Frequency of Rhetorical Relations 9
Top Relations of contrastive rhetoric Rhetoric Distributions used in Both Chinese and English Economic Reviews 11
V. Conclusion 12
Major Findings of the Research 12
Limitations and Suggestions for Further Study 13
References 14
I. Introduction
Background of the Research
Many scholars have been devoted themselves to the study of English and Chinese discourse of the structure characteristics and try to find similarities and differences of them. Kaplan’ s classical study named ‘Cultural Thought Patterns in Inter-Cultural Education’ has opened up a new route of the contrastive rhetoric rhetorical study. Since then, many scholars follow the steps of the research ideas of Kaplan to explore the differences between English and Chinese discourse structure and define the starting point for a comparative study. According to different textual functions corpus into narrative discourse, argumentation discourse, we can say that the study of discourse is independent. This research is built on the predecessors' research ideas and results are based on rhetorical structure theory. Analyze and discuss the similarities and differences of English and Chinese text corpus for discourse structure.
Research Questions and Its Significance
In order to examine whether there are significant differences in discourse pattern between Chinese and English, I am going to use the following three keys points to explain my points of view. They include the discourse structure, the information model and the point position.
The main research questions to be addressed in the study are as follows:
1) Are there any vital or important differences in discourse pattern between Chinese and English according to the news reports?
2) Does Kaplan’ s hypothesis which includes the different discourse structure, the information model and the point position really hold true in news reports?
As the different appearances of discourse pattern are one of the important components when related to Chinese and English news report, we have to put the discourse pattern in a vital situation when talking about the difference between Chinese news and English news. In this report, five Chinese news reports and five English news reports have been collected to find out whether they are distinct in discourse pattern and what factors cause it. By analyzing the structure of different discourse the model expression of the information and the position of the key point in the news report, the conclusion will be supported abundantly and validly.
The structure of the theses
So far, we have had some comprehensive knowledge of the theoretical framework of this study. In particular, we have been familiar with the essentials of Rhetorical Structural Theory and the focus of contrastive rhetoric study. Firstly, i will talk about the literature review of this dissertation. Then, i am going to write about the method i used to explain my study and name it as the research methodology. Thirdly, at the fourth part of this article, i will talk about the results and findings from the hypothesis as well as the former discussion.


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