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文档介绍:Ningbo Shino Cosmetic Cotton Co., Ltd
Established in November 1995
The first professional manufacturer of cosmetic cotton products
Got ISO9001-2000 certification with first sample presentation
Shino series products : cosmetic pads, cotton mask, cotton tips, Oil-Absorbent Paper
Products sold in more than forty cities in China
Exported to other countries such as ., Australia, Japan, Europe and so on.
During these 15 years, Shino has developed into a well-known manufacturer and exporter.
2011 cosmetics products categories, users to protect skin to taste the attention of the highest, about %;
Color makeup product attention for %, ranking the second; Hair care products attention for %, ranking the third.
Facial treatment the attention of the highest, %; The second is the face clean, attention is %; The third is prevented bask in a product, attention is %
Conclusion : skin care begins with cleaning which be focused by most of female .This industry is in high potential
Industry analysis
2011 cotton pad hit index
The yearly growth rate in the world of cotton pad was increasing .The average growth rate is %
Young and middle-aged is main consumption in the survey, we found that silk's user's age focused on 20-40, its rates as high as %, below 20 years old, 40 years old users is very small proportion.
Market analysis
Investigation still shows, %consumers at the age of 30 -40 years old , make up cotton month consumption is below 30 yuan and around .% of consumers at the age is in 30-40 years old of consumers, acceptable monthly average consumption in 50 yuan ; And 50-100 yuan level of consumption accounted for 19%,
Market analysis
Market analysis
In addition there is 48% of the people use cosmetic cotton and sticks one time a day, 41% of people a day use several times a day.
In use make up cotton group, % of the people think that it should be run out and buy, but there are also many peopl


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